First words...

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Wilbur's pov

Tommy was one year and 3 months old, he can walk and is learning how to talk. Dad of course still hasn't come back home.

"Tommy, bring the clothes pins we have to dry off the clothes." I put down the basket full of clothes as the wind blew at us, despite being so young Tommy understood everything I said, he came waddling over with a small bowl of clothes pins. "Thanks bud, wanna help me?" I smiled as I gave him a small shirt to hang.

Tommy gave me the bowl and grabbed the shirt. "BAH!" He ran off with it, making me laugh slightly. Maybe he's not that smart.

I shook my head and started to pin down bed sheets and clothes. "Don't go too far Tommy!" I hear a shout of baby babble in return as I continue.

"A-sailing I would go, I'd sail around the capes and across the seven seas, And then back home, If I had been born, 200 years ago." I sang softly as I picked up the empty basket.

"WAHHH!" I saw Tommy running towards me while a bee chased him.

"Tommy." I laughed as he hid behind me, the bee buzzing as it flew around me to see if I was a threat. Once it saw me as a friend it flew off. "It's okay to come out Tom's."

Tommy carefully peaked out and looked up at me.

"Let's go inside." I ruffled his hair and held his hand as we walked back inside.

"How about spaghetti and meatballs for lunch?" Tommy made noises of agreement. "Okay, go play while I make them, alright bud?" He ran off before I could finish my sentence.

I chuckled and started to grab the ingredients. 'I'll have to go food shopping later' I sighed as I started to make some lunch.

"WAAAAHHHH!" I tensed slightly as I heard Tommy cry.

"Tom's!?" I put down the soup ladle and quickly rushed to Tommy's room.

"Tommy whats wrong?" I bursted into his room.

Tommy was holding his knee while sobbing and screaming besides his bed.

I sighed and walked over. "What did I say about jumping on the bed?" I picked Tommy up and went to the bathroom. "You're okay Tom's." I rolled up his pant leg and saw a small scrape.

Tommy whined and sniffled. "This is gonna sting, but it only stings a little." I grabbed an alcohol wipe and started to clean the small wound, Tommy in return screamed and cried harder. "I know bud, I know." I grabbed a red band aid and put it on the scrape. "See, all better." I picked him up and left towards the living room.

Tommy sniffled and buried his face into my sweater. "Shh, it's okay." I kneeled down on the ground and put Tommy down. "See?"

Tommy smiled and giggled, he reached his hands towards me. "Da! Da!" I froze as Tommy kept bouncing in joy but I felt the complete opposite. "Da! Da Da!" I didn't even know there were tears coming from my eyes and down my cheek. "Da!"

"Please... Don't..." He kept making grabby hands towards me.

'Mom, what do I do? Your son is calling me his father... I'm 11 and considered more of a father to Tommy then his own father..'

"Da Da!" Tommy started to whine as he kept making grabby hands towards me.

I wiped my tears away and picked him up. "Hey Tom's... It's okay I'm here." I started to walk to the kitchen as Tommy kept babbling 'Da' over and over again.

"I know bud, it's time to eat." I sat him in his chair and gave him a plate of spaghetti.

"After we're done, we're gonna go to the market okay? We need to buy more food." I started to eat as well as Tommy hums in joy.

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