Smells like mothers favorite season

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Third pov
"So here is your plot of land, do whatever the fuck you want but the next plot of land will cost a kiss." Wilbur laughed at Dream's words.

"Shiiiit might have to get that kiss, without the land." Dream wheezed as he lightly punched his arm. "But in all seriousness,Thanks a lot Dream."

"What for?" Dream crossed his arm.

"All of this." Wilbur smiled.

"It was nothing, really." Dream smiled. "Okay, I'll leave you alone to build, get anything you'd like, I have to walk around the SMP to see if we have any other arrivals." Dream slipped his mask back on. "Send me a message if you need anything." Wilbur watched him pull out his communicator and then saw a message appear in front of him.

You have been added to Dream SMP.

Dream has sent you a message: :)

Wilbur gave a small chuckle and swiped it away. "Thanks Dream, for all of this especially."

"Eh, it's nothing, anyone on the SMP is family." Dream gave him a small bow then stood back up. "Have fun music man." He threw a pearl and disappeared leaving particles behind.

Wilbur smiled as he shook his head and started to get to work. "This is gonna take awhile."

Meanwhile near a small pond two kids played in while a salmon mermaid kept attempting to shift.

"Come on, legs, I just want some damn legs." Sally groaned as her tail didn't want to change for longer than five minutes. "Okay Sally, deep breaths." She took a nice deep breath and let it out. "Concentrate, head empty only legs." Sally looked at her tail, concentrating on shifting. After what seemed forever to her (which only was five minutes) her tail turned into two pairs of legs, a red wavy almost tail like long skirt fell down on them, a bit of her leg poking out from a thigh slit.

Sally had a wide smile as she slowly tried to get up. "Okay, don't fall on your face." She felt her legs wobble as she put her weight on it. "Woah."

"Sally! Sally!" She looked up and saw Tommy and Tubbo run towards her. "Look- Wait, where's your tail?!" Tubbo gasped.

"Did you cut it off?!" Tommy overreacted as usual.

"No! XD no!" Sally laughed. "Since I'm a nymph I can turn from a salmon to a human."

"A nip?" Tommy tilted his head.

Sally chuckled and delicately sat on the ground, patting a spot next to her.

Tubbo and Tommy shrugged; sitting on either side of her.

"A nymph is a being who can turn into a human whenever they please, for instance there are trees who can turn into humans at will. The gods granted us that gift." Tommy laid his head on her lap making Sally smile and put her fingers through his head in a motherly manner.

"What are the gods?" Tubbo leaned onto her shoulder.

"Well the gods are the ones who protect us, gave us life, and play with it." Sally began. "The most beloved of the gods is the beauty of Death herself. La muerte." Tommy felt a weird shiver in his body at the mention of death. "But she hasn't been seen for years until recently."

"Why?" Tommy asked.

"Well the story goes..."

Kristen wandered the forest, her massive form sighed in displeasure as the trees and plants her wonderful dress touched withered away.

"She wandered the lands of minecraftia looking at the lovely world her brother Stampy made until she met him..."

Kristen saw a beautiful building in the middle of the ocean, she walked over as she marveled at it.

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