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Wilbur's Pov
"Dad!" I jolted awake and sat up on the couch. Couch? Why am I on the couch? "Dad? Are you okay?" I looked over and saw Tommy, Tommy!

"Tommy!" I hugged him tightly as a few tears slipped down my face.

"Dad? Are you 'kay?" He sounded confused.

I pulled away and looked at his face, no cracks, I rubbed my thumb across his cheek, he's not burning up either. "You're not burning up anymore." Was it a dream? No more like a nightmare. When did I fall asleep? Was I that tired? I mean I was awake for the week.

"Yup! I went to sleep after you said me to sleep and when I wake up I felt good- better!" Tommy was grinning ear to ear at me.

I sighed in relief and stood up. "That's great to hear Tom's, I guess we can go to the festival if you're all better." I smiled.

"Really?!" He was beaming.

"Yeah, go get ready." He grinned and ran off.

The smile on my face faltered as I stared as his small frame ran off. 'What was that? Why did I dream of my s- baby brother dying? Maybe I should take care of my own health now that Tommy's better' I sighed and pushed my hair back. 'But what If I dream that dream, no, nightmare again?' I shivered at the thought.

"No I should think positively, Tommy is alive and we're going to the festival, no negative thinking." I took deep breaths.

"I ready! Lets go!" I looked over at Tommy and saw his shoelaces flying as he ran.

"Woah careful, you're gonna trip over those laces bud." I kneeled down and grabbed a hold of one of the shoe laces. "Okay look, tie it, make two loops, then fold over the loops and," I tied it tightly. "Let's make sure it's secure." I tied the loops together again. "

I did the same with the other shoe and stood back up. "Alright let me just get some ores and then we can go." I walk over to the couch and grab a pillow, I tilt the pillow from where a small opening was and a few emeralds and golden bars come out.

'Shit we're really low.' I bit my lip. 'Mining will take too long and I still need to buy food for us.'

"Dad?" Tommy tugged on my yellow sweater. "We going?"

I looked over at Tommy then back at the ores. 'This is just enough for a couple weeks but...' I looked back at Tommy and saw his excited face. "Y-yeah, let's go." I stuff the ores into my pocket.

"Yay! Can we bring Tubbo?" My eyes went wide.

Did I ever tell him Tubbo left with Puffy? "Uh well you see..." No he was sick the day she left.

"He's.... With Puffy.... At the... mark-et?" Great job Wilbur, I'm sure he'll believe you.

"Oh... okay." He pouted.

I sighed in relief and left the house with him.

"Dad! I had a cool dream about Tubbo and 'boo and we going to the moon-" I tuned out Tommy's voice as my mind raced.

'What are we going to do? I can't mine, too young to get a job, I can't leave Tommy alone.' I was stressed. 'Maybe we should start new, get a new home.' I didn't want to leave our home, especially since it was the last thing we had of mom.

I'll worry about that later, right now Tommy wants to go see- "TUBBO!"

"Tubbo?" I Looked confused as Tommy let go of my hand and ran ahead.

"It's Tubbo in box!" I walked over to him and peered over at the box and surely enough Tubbo was curled up in the box, asleep.

'Shouldn't he have left with Puffy? Did she abandon him?' I was a bit worried as I looked at the peacefully sleeping Tubbo.

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