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Wilbur's Pov

"Tommy, come on!" I sighed as I looked around for the three year old child. "Tom's!"

"Dad! Boo!" I felt a small body jump onto my back and squish my wings slightly. Ouch.

"Ah!" I use the pain in my wings to sound scared. "You got me, now get off me." I laughed slightly as Tommy slid off me.

Life has been, okayish. Dad came back last week for a few days but he spent those days gathering supplies with Techno. The only time he acknowledges me or Tommy is when he said goodbye.

"Dad, I have question." I already accepted Tommy will see me as a father, I tried making him call me Wilbur or even Wilby but it just didn't stick, I can't change that nor do I want to, anymore.

"What's up Tom's?" I picked him and walked to the dining room.

"Who that man that was here?" He clung onto my sweater tightly.

"Oh," I bit my lip slightly as I put Tommy down in a seat. "He was uh..." I moved over to the stove and put some food on a plate.

'Mom... should I tell him the truth? Or should I just keep up with the me being his dad charade...'

Tommy tilted his head as he looked at me in confusion. "Dad?"

"... Philza, his name is Philza Minecraft..." I smiled as I put his plate down in front of him. "And he's quite old." I set my own plate down and sat down. "He was married to a beautiful woman but she's... gone." My smile faltered slightly. "She was a good woman..."

"Dad?" I looked over at Tommy and was met with a worried expression. "Are you okay?"

I smiled again. "Yeah," My eye bags felt heavier, I had huge ones despite only being 13, as I spoke. "I'm fine. Now eat up bud, don't you wanna go see Tubbo? Wish him a happy birthday?" Tommy grinned and started to eat.

I took a deep breath as I ate as well. "Not to fast bud, I don't want you to choke."

We finished eating and quickly got ready for the day. "Ready Tom's?" I slipped on my sneakers.

"Yeah!" I chuckled and put my beanie on as we left the house and went towards Tubbo's house.

"Remember to be on your best behavior, and no stealing, you trash panda." I warned jokingly.

"Okay Dad!" He giggled as we walked up the porches steps. "I pwomise I be good."

"Thank you bud." I knocked on the door as Tommy bounced in place, way to much adrenaline coursing through his veins.

"Come in!" I heard Puffy yell out.

I opened the door and walked in with Tommy trailing behind me. "Hi Puffy, We're here for the party." I walked to the kitchen to see Puffy cooking a lot of food at once.

"Hey Wilbur, The kids are in the backyard." She smiled tiredly.

"Sorry I couldn't buy a gift," I sent off Tommy. "I could help with the cooking if you'd like? You're doing a lot at once." I walked over to her, I was up to her chest which was weird for a thirteen year old, I was growing very tall very fast which is weird because dad and mom are both short.

"It's fine Wilbur, really, you should go mingle with the other older kids, it'll be fun." Puffy shooed me off.

I sighed and walked to the backyard, it was filled with children and toddlers. It was really uncomfortable.

I could see Punz, Purple's older brother. Sapnap, George, Dream, Foolish, Ranboo, Bad's youngest son, Nikki, Puffy's fiance, Eret, Hannah's Guardian, and Hannah. Too many people.

I sat in a small patch of grass and watched Tommy play with the other kids, making sure he didn't hurt himself or the other kids.

I could hear the other 'big kids' whispering about me, I'm not dumb and they aren't exactly quiet.

"Where's his dad?" "Did you hear about his mom?" "Loser, imagine having to take care of your little brother. Lame." "Poor thing, he can't play with us because of that."

I wanted to yell at those idiots, 'I KNOW THAT!' but I had to control my anger, for Tommy's sake.

"Hey Wilbur." Dream sat next to me, Dream was the only one who didn't just see me as Tommy's 'Dad' he understood me and didn't pity me. "Sorry about the other kids, they're idiots and don't understand anything." I couldn't tell what his facial expression held, he always wore that stupid mask, but i've been getting better at reading his emotions based off his voice.

"It's fine, nothing I don't hear constantly." I leaned back slightly as we fell into comfortable conversation.

I ignored the stares of the other kids as we kept talking. "Wil."


"I think Tommy just threw up." I looked over and saw Tommy hunched over while all the other kids screamed and ran away, except Tubbo because Tubbo never really leaves Tommy's side for nothing, I quickly get up and run over to them.

"Tommy? Tubbo, what happened?" My voice was laced with worry as I kneeled next to Tommy. He kept vomiting so I rubbed his back to try and sooth him.

"I dunno, Me and Ranboo and Tommy were playing and then Tommy's face looked green then he- he leaned over and frew up!" Poor Tubbo was so panicky, he looked like he was about to faint.

"Go get your Papa, okay?" Tubbo nodded and ran back inside.

"Hey bud, it's okay let it out." Tommy eventually stopped and started to sob loudly.

"It hurts, Papa." Tommy hugged me tightly, I winced slightly as his vomit covered mouth buried itself into my chest.

I stood up and rubbed his back. "I know buddy, it's okay." I started to walk back inside and was immediately met with Puffy.

"Give him to me, Nikki's a doctor, she'll check up on him." I nodded and handed Tommy to her. "Dream can you let Wilbur borrow a shirt!" She yelled out before she scurried into a room with Nikki.

I kept my eyes trained into the door as Dream came up to me, I couldn't understand a word he said, everything felt like blur to me as millions of thoughts raced through my mind.

"Wilbur!" I snapped out my thoughts as Dream slapped me. "Snap out of it, Tommy's gonna be fine." The other kids looked shocked and looked to see if I would do something.

"Yeah..." I followed him into his room. 'Mom please keep Tommy safe.'

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