We're almost there, maybe

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Wilbur's Pov

"Okay so when can I meet the blade?" I sighed as Tommy, now seven, kept asking about the blade "He sounds so cool!" and as I predicted, we still haven't found the smp, I'm starting to think it doesn't exist and I got scammed.

"Never, he'll kill you in a second if he catches a glimpse of you." I am very tall and my voice has finally matured and stopped cracking. "I'm serious Tom's."

"Wilbuuuuuuur" Tommy groaned as Bean, Tommy named it not me, the bird chirped.

Tommy was slightly taller than a normal seven year old, just like his older brother, his hair was also now a fluffy ball of blonde.

"Tommy, you know how much Wilbur hates the blade. It'll be a miracle if we even walk where he has been." Tubbo now has an accent since he's been around me and Tommy for forever. "I don't think we should meet him either, he sounds scary." Tubbo's ram ears are now longer and his horns are tiny tiny stubs. He got Puffy's left brown fluffy hair, for a short period of time I was really worried because his hair was jeb_'s hair and a lot of people pay for a jeb_ sheep hybrid...

"Exactly, Tubbo, this is why you're my favorite." I chuckled.

"Yeah yeah whatever. I'm tired!" Tommy groaned loudly and took the bird from my shoulder. "You're my only friend bean."

I rolled my eyes and pulled up my cords. "Okay, there should be a village around here." I checked them over again and followed the map in my hands.

"A village!" Tommy and Tubbo both cheered.

"No! No arson!" I smacked the back of their heads. "No stealing either!"

"Arson?" Tommy looked confused. "I just wanna burn it!" He rubbed the back of his head.

"That's Arson!" I groaned. "Okay look, we go to the village, rent two rooms, then leave in the morning. Understood?"

Tommy and Tubbo groaned. "Fine." They whined.

"Good, now let's go." I led them down a small man-made path as the sun slowly started to go from midday to late afternoon.

"How much longer till we get to the smp?" Tubbo looked over at me.

"Another year, maybe."

"Ugh, the place probably isn't real."Tommy groaned. "Let's just live in village!"

"No, we're going to the smp because I said so. Stop whining or I will drop kick you!"

"What's a drop kick?" Tubbo looked confused.

"AGH!" I groaned loudly. "Let's just get a room!" I pulled them into the village and looked for a hotel.

"Why are you so lame Wilbuh." Tommy held onto my hand and held a pissed off expression, same as Tubbo, I didn't want villagers coming up to us to try and make us buy their shit so I trained them to make resting bitch faces.

"It's Wilbur and I can't always be fun brother 24/7." I walked into a hotel with them and pulled out some emeralds. 'Shit, I'll need to go mining soon.' "two rooms for the night." I paid the villager and grabbed the two room keys.

"Let's go twerps." I made my way to the stairs to our room floor.

"I'm not a twig!" Tubbo huffed as he and Tommy followed, he put the bird in his hair that looked like an actual bird nest.

"Twerp Tubbo, Twerp." I opened one of the doors and walked in. "Okay listen you two, I know you're tired of these rules but, rule one do not leave the room until I come get you two, rule two do NOT open it for anyone until you hear my signal, and rule three please for the love of PRIME! Do not make a mess or break anything!" I held a stern expression.

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