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Wilbur's pov

It's been a week since Tommy was sick, it's been five days since Puffy left. I ended up rejecting her offer, I know stupid but I didn't need her help.

"Daaaad...." I hear a very sick voice whine out to me. I snap out my thoughts and look at the medicine and tea in front of me. "Dad!"

"I'm coming." I grabbed the medicine and tea and made my way to Tommy's room.  Tommy's sickness has just been getting worse and worse, I'm starting to get very worried.

I can't sleep and haven't been eating since the way for me to get money has left, I need to use that remaining money for Tommy not myself. I just have to find a way to keep us stable and well.

"Hey buddy." I spoke softly and made my way to the side of the bed. "Can you sit up for me?" I sat next to him on the side of his bed.

Tommy's frame was shaking slightly as he slowly sat up. " 'm c-cold." He sniffled. "I icky." He sounded like he was on the verge of tears.

"I know bud, I'll get you more blankets, for now drink this and this." I held up the liquid medicine and the tea.

"No!" Tommy moved his head to the side. "I don' wan' icky med-cine."

I sighed. "Tommy, we talked about this. If you want to get better you have to take your medicine. It's good for you." I poured the medicine in a small cup it came with and held it out for him. "Please?"

"No!" He huffed and stood his ground.

'Mom, give me the strength to not leave this child in a box on the side of the road.' I sighed and thought of an idea. "Okay, I guess we can't go to the festival." I tried to hide my mischievous smile.

"What?!" Tommy sounded upset about that. "Why not!"

"I can't take you to the festival if you're all sick and sniffly." I teased. "I'll just go by myself."

"No! I'll take the medicine!" He grabbed it from my hands and immediately gulped it down. "Blegh." He gagged and gave me back the tiny cup.

"Good job, proud of you bud, here drink this then you can go back to sleep." I gave him the warm tea.

Tommy grabbed it and slowly drank it. "You put honey in this?" He smiled.

"Mhm, I know how much you hated the other teas so I was able to get some honey." I ruffled his hair. "Now drink up and get some more rest, I'm gonna go clean up the house okay?" He nodded and quickly gulped down the rest of the tea.

"Thank you dad." He smiled and gave me the cup.

"No problem bud, now get some rest." I kissed his head and quickly tucked him in.

"I'm feeling gooder already." Tommy gave me a huge grin and snuggled into the fluffy blanket.

"Better, Tommy." I smiled and walked to his door. "But I'm glad you're feeling better." I blew out the torch and left his room.

I took a deep breath. "Cleaning, cleaning will distract you. Mom did it, and it worked out for her." I tried to fill the silence by talking to myself, I didn't like feeling alone, ironically. It felt wrong and uncomfortable.

"No point in thinking sadly, this house won't clean itself." I smiled widely and got to working.

Cleaning each of the rooms, mopping down the hard wood floors, shining up the kitchen.

It was a long and tiring process, The sun was shining and showing it was past noon.

"Tommy still hasn't woken up." I sighed and laid back on the couch, I was so tired but I didn't want to go to sleep. Just in case Tommy needed something.

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