♫13♫ You can't stop me anymore

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"Hyotei! Hyotei! Hyotei!"

"Atobe! Atobe! Atobe!"

It spreaded all around Hyotei that Atobe will have a rematch with Ranfa. They didn't mind the huge crowd because they were focused on winning the upcoming match. 

"This time, don't stop the match." Ranfa was wearing the Hyotei tennis shirt, a short pleated skirt with a pair of black shorts underneath.

"Arn? Ore-sama has no intentions of doing that." His eyes promised her that and she was fine with it. "Ladies first?" 

"I'm guessing you don't want to keep your service game then." Ranfa chuckled and went to prepare to serve the ball. Just like Atobe doesn't have any intention of stopping the match without the results, she has no intentions of going easy on the King of Hyotei. 

"Sakura, go and kick his ass!" Shishido shouted.

'Oh geez...his voice is so freaking cool...' She couldn't stop smiling about Shishido's voice cheering for her and she quickly served the ball, her serve that does not bounce and spiral down the court...

"Come!" Atobe was ready for her and he's going to return that serve somehow!

When Ranfa's racquet met the ball, she performed the nameless serve so perfectly. In fact, it was so perfect that the great Atobe can't touch it. 

"Heh..." Of course, he didn't expect himself to be able to serve it on the first go; the serve that only she and no one else can do. It's amazing no matter how many times he sees it; it was a serve that can guarantee the user the service game

No one knew how she did it, given she doesn't have the height for it. 

"Game! Sakura! 0-1! Atobe, to serve!" 

"Hahaha! No matter how many times you serve it, it still amazes Ore-sama. Hey, has it gotten a little faster? Where do you find the time to improve your skills when you're always writing away in your notebooks, arn?" 

"Are you asking a girl's secrets? You shouldn't do that, Atobe-senpai." 

"Hmph, you're good enough to become a Queen. How does becoming Ore-sama's Queen sound?" 

"Shut up, Senpai." 

It was Atobe's serve and Ranfa was able to return it. She ran for towards the net, attempting a Volley play. 


"Oh! Atobe aimed for Ranfa-chan's feet that's about to land!" Jirou was awake for this match because his two favorite people were up against one another, how can he sleep through such an exciting game?

Ranfa smirked and she hopped back and performed a Rising Counter. 

'She was never aiming for a Volley!' Atobe was tricked! What a little trickster she was! 'I see... Little Kitten not only have notes based on our opponents, she has notes based on our skills too. She is using the data she collected in order to form tactics to tackle every one of our weaknesses' Atobe smiled, 'This is getting really interesting...just who is this girl?'

"Game, Sakura! 0-2! Change Court!" 

During changing of the court, Atobe announced to her that he will now return the favor. Ranfa welcomed it with a confident smile on her face, she's not about to say no to a challenge. 

Ranfa's style of tennis was good and convenient for her since she's quick to think of a tactic once she pinpointed the opponent's weakness. However, that was not to say she doesn't have a weakness! 

♫Wonderful Days♫Prince of tennis♫Hyotei♫Where stories live. Discover now