♫19♫ Off to the mountain

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"As usual, I knew it wouldn't be a cottage..." Oshitari chuckled, looking at the so called 'cottage' that Atobe called it. 

"It's amazing, Yuushi! It's so luxurious! Woo hoo! We're going to have a nice vacation!" Gakuto cheered, jumping up and down in excitement. 

However, Ranfa was quick to hit away the excitement; she hit Gakuto's head like she would swat a fly. 

"Moron, we are here for training! Not having a vacation!" Gakuto faced Ranfa after the hit, soothing the back of his head. 

"I know! I know! But you have to admit that this is amazing, Ranfa!" 

"It is Atobe-senpai's property we are talking about here..." 

"You're not fazed by his wealth at all..." A normal girl under normal circumstances would go all 'Kya! Look at the mansion!' or something like that but Ranfa was completely immune to it and she's looking as if she's used to it already.

"Shishido-san, you don't look so happy..." Choutarou noticed the 3rd year was looking at the luxury mansion/cottage with a look that said 'Are you kidding me?'. 

"I just can't see anyone would be able to improve much after staying here..." Wasn't the whole point of training in the mountain supposed to face the adversity of mother nature? Staying in a place of ultimate comfort will just weaken a person...

"Atobe, it's amazing! Woo hoo! I bet the beds will be comfy!" Out of everything available within the mansion, Jirou was more excited about the beds...

Due to rain, the Seigaku and Rikkai match were postponed for a week. It was a shame but they should make use of the extra week that they have. Atobe will make sure everyone was whipped into shape and Ranfa will help him do that.

You really can't call his cottage a 'cottage' because no matter how you look at it, it's far too big to be a cottage.

Atobe personally gave them all a tour of the place; he had to give the team a tour because, it may not look like it, but some members of his team were airheads. He's not worried about Ranfa, Hiyoshi, Oshitari, or Choutarou getting lost at all because Jirou, Gakuto, and possibly Shishido will be the ones getting themselves lost like a little kid. 

"Senpai, this wouldn't happen if we don't have airheads on the team." Ranfa stated, walking beside him. 

"Tell me something I do not know." 

"Mukahi-senpai and Jirou-senpai is no longer in the group." 

"Imbeciles..." Atobe knew this would happen! He's not even halfway into the tour and already they're lost in his cottage! "Kabaji, go and fetch them." 


"Ore-sama take everyone to the bedrooms. Little Kitten, you are going to love your room." Atobe held his hand out, expecting her to take it. 

"Thank you." Ranfa passed her blue luggage to Atobe and walked along the extravagant hallway with the pink one and dragged it behind her...

"Little Kitten is making this challenging..." Atobe looked back at Shishido and Oshitari to see them trying not to laugh. Choutarou and Hiyoshi were looking away, not wanting Atobe to know what they thought it was funny too; Ranfa actually passed the luggage to Atobe!

Ranfa opened the door to her room. It was like being in heaven! Why was it designed like a girl's room? She put her luggage at the side of the huge room and took her shoes off. 

"Whee~!" She jumped onto the bed, sighing out in comfort. The bed was really comfortable and exactly to her liking. She also liked the veils too, it made her feel like a princess in a castle. 

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