♫46♫ King and Queen

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"Singles 3, taken... Doubles 2, lost; Singles 2, lost; Doubles 1, barely took it..." Ranfa looked up from her notebook, "The final match that will decide it all..." The match between Atobe Keigo and Echizen Ryoma will begin and they will put their everything on the line for the sake of victory. "This is going to be a battle worth seeing." She was excited-

"If I lose to you... I'll shave my head."

"What the actual fuck?" Ranfa didn't mean to suddenly shoot out a bad language in front of many people but she really had to; she didn't expect Atobe to make a bet like that! A bald Atobe? She can't imagine him bald... Oh god, it's awful! 

"You were imagining Atobe-san being bald..." Hiyoshi teased her. 

"D-don't be stupid! I wasn't thinking about that!" 

"Atobe will look like a monk!" Jirou's words actually made Ranfa imagine Atobe converting to Buddhism and the image of it made Ranfa laugh a little, "He will look like that if he converts to Buddhism!" 

"I wasn't thinking about it at all! Leave me alone!" She looked back at the court when she heard two laughters; Atobe and Ryoma were synchronizing as they laugh out loudly. "Why are they synchronizing...?" She then looked at Shishido and Choutarou, "You two should learn that." 

"I'd rather learn the actual Synchro, not that..." Shishido rolled his eyes at the scene playing out in front of him, "Oi, stop making yourself a fool already and get the match started!" 

Once the game started, Atobe wanted Ryoma to use the Muga no Kyouchi but the young freshman refused to amuse the King so he decided to drag it out of him in the first game. Atobe was able to steal the first game with the serve that he has mastered from Ranfa, the Tannhauser Serve. Ryoma was unable to return the serve. 

"That serve is definitely Ranfa's serve..." Gakuto was amazed no matter how many times he sees it performed with perfection. 

At some point in the game, Ryoma used the Mugai no Kyouchi but he found himself unable to counter Atobe with the moves he has seen. However, Atobe was able to get the game by using moves that he has seen but without the help of Mugai no Kyouchi. 

"Atobe-senpai isn't going to lose to something like that." Ranfa smiled with pride as Atobe took the 2nd game with ease. 

Ryoma started off with the Tannhauser Serve, a serve that Ranfa and Atobe both can easily perform. 

"Tannhauser Serve-?!" Ranfa didn't think after seeing it once it can be copied straight away! 

"That's enough. You can't catch up with Tezuka just because you play that kind of tennis." Atobe used World of Ice to return the Tannhauser Serve with ease. "Also, that move is only fitting for a King and Queen, someone who calls himself a prince is 100 years too early to master it!" After he said that, he looked at Ranfa.

"Geez, that Senpai... Making people carry such an embarrassing name without asking how others would feel..." Ranfa blushed and looked away from Atobe. The boys in the Hyotei team glanced at her to see a light blush appearing on her face. "What? Stop looking at me!" 

"'Queen' huh? Atobe sure has chosen a fitting for you." Oshitari agree that Ranfa deserved the nickname. 

"D-don't call me that..." Ranfa looked away with a pout, ignoring the guys teasing her blushing face.

Atobe was using World of Ice to destroy Ryoma little by little. World of Ice was a nice name; a move shared just by Ranfa and himself. He decided that World of Ice will be the finishing move to finish the game...

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