♫00♫ Right in your face

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"Ugh, it must be because I am so fat that my boyfriend dumped me!" 

"Nonsense! You're beautiful in every ways!" 

"That's right! You still have a chance to go for Atobe-sama if you want to!" 

Girls being girls, they were talking about Hyotei's most popular boy: Atobe Keigo. Any girl who doesn't find him attractive was instantly labelled as a weirdo; how can a girl resist the great Atobe! He has everything! Good looks, good grades, a king! That boy was literally a king in his throne, ruling everything he sets his eyes on! 

"Why are you making such a big deal about it? You're 13, it's not like you are bound to him. And Atobe-senpai doesn't notice you because he's probably too busy looking at himself in the mirror." Sakura Ranfa recently made some new friends and she's unaware that her words destroyed her chance to stay in the group. 

The half Japanese half Chinese girl was new to Hyotei but she's already certain that the one who rules the school was Atobe Keigo.

"Ranfa-chan, how can you say something like that?!"

"You should apologize!" 


"Huh?" Ranfa was perpetually surprised by the girl's reactions, "It's true though, we're 13... Why cry for a boy who is not a man yet?"

"You are the worst!" After that, the crying girl and her friends left Ranfa all alone. 

"There they go..." Ranfa can't see what the problem was; first off that girl knows for a fact she's not fat, she was just fishing for attention from her friends; from Ranfa's point of view, being dumped at 13 meant nothing, as long as there's no ring on a finger, there is no commitment, and Ranfa once saw Atobe look into his compact mirror! That guy was checking himself out and smiled at his reflection!

Well, it's not like Ranfa doesn't look at herself in the mirror...

"I look good today..." Ranfa said as she fixed the blue ribbons on her hair, smiling at how cute she looked. 

Sakura Ranfa, a 2nd year student with cherry blossom pink hair and deep blue eyes, was a girl with 100% honesty. Her father taught her to be honest with herself so she doesn't have to suffer over a lie. Ranfa believe in her father's words because being straightforward was much easier to live than lying. She can't see the problem at all because she's voicing how she feels; why should she change for the people around her? If they don't like what she's saying, they can go elsewhere because she will not change. 

Day in and day out, Ranfa had to put up with the idiocy of other people in school. It's not like she's perfect or anything but the idiocy of some people made her look normal. 

"Sakura, quit looking out of the window!" Her teacher shouted at her. 


"Are you so bored that you have to blatantly look out? English! Focus on English! It is important to learn another language and be bilingual." The teacher pushed her square shaped glasses and looked at Ranfa's direction with a mocking look, "And last I checked, your English is just average! Don't expect to go to Europe with your level of English, hohohoho!" She said in English.

"Diu lei tsuen ga! (Fuck your entire family!) Gwan lei lun see ah?! (What's it got to do with you?!)" Ranfa shouted at the teacher in Cantonese. Ranfa's mother's a Chinese woman from Hong Kong, she used to be a police officer just like her husband but she's currently a loving housewife who will show no mercy to people who pissed her off.

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