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"Finally, food" Marlene grumbled as the sorting ceremony finished, "why can't we eat before the first years get sorted?" she complained.

"You asked the same question last year...and the year before that...and the year ask that question a lot." Aries said looking back to her best friend.

"What can I say? When a girls hungry, she'll kill for it." she shrugged innocently as Aries rolled her eyes with a playful smile.

"Hey there, Black." A familiar set of arms passed around her shoulders making the girl frown. Apparently she had forgotten to do something before summer started.

"What can I do for you, Prewett?" Aries asked looking up at the red haired twin. One of which staring rather intently at her while the other was staring down the food at Gryffindor table.

"How about a room!" Avery sneered making a few snicker.

"Just coming to say hello to my favorite Slytherin" Fabian said before bending down a bit to her ear level. "Plus I missed you." he whispered.

"Bet you did, I'm a very lovable person." Aries rolled her eyes. "I'll be in the medical wing tonight, you and I will talk then."

"What about right now." He bit his lip slightly while he eyed her suggestively. She knew she should've broken up with him before summer. Must've slipped her mind, whoops.

Aries raised a brow while he sighed silently to himself with a small smile, "later it is, Black."

But nonetheless did he leave and go back to the Gryffindor table where his twin ate.

"I swear he should've been a Slytherin." Marlene muttered as Aries just smirked.

"I think the sorting hat did him well, rather daft if you ask me. I should've been in Ravenclaw. Half of these Slytherins are as smart as a rock." She joked as the two shared a silent laugh.

"Hey Black!" Avery called, picking up the blonde and black haired girls attention.

"You have ten seconds of my time, make it fast." Aries sighed boredly.

"Why don't we do both of our parents a favor and just get together ourselves?" Avery asked eyeing the girl as she cocked a brow.

A chuckle slipped her lips as she looked condescending back at the boy.

"Look, Avery, you seem like a....well let's just say young women my age, prefer young men...not boys." Aries smirked.

The girls started giggling and the boys started 'ohh'ing as Marlene laughed. Avery huffed before getting up and storming out with his group of friends. Thus proving Aries point after all.

"Well said, very well said." Marlene admitted with a giggle.

"So are you gonna tryout for Quidditch again this year?" Aries asked starting up a new conversation.

"Yeah, I'm really excited! Once they lose a teammate I'll be right there waiting! Though I don't really understand why you're not joining, you're great on a broomstick." Marlene paused while Aries giggled at her friends choice words.

She rolled her eyes when the realization hit her, "you dirty, dirty girl. Anyway, you should definitely tryout with me and we could be on the same team. Plus we could do more together even if we don't have the same classes. Speaking of Quidditch, I've also been thinking about what I wanted to do as a career. I was thinking about becoming a famous Quidditch player, not sure which team but sounds fun." Marlene rambled as Aries sighed.

"Looks like you've got it all figured out." The dark haired girl said simply.

"Well what about you? What's your career choice. I mean, I know we don't technically have to think about it until later, two more years to be exact, but still." Marlene shrugged.

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