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"So who are you taking?" Marlene asked as she watched Lily levitate a tree branch.

"Taking to what?" Aries asked, currently Alice was braiding Aries hair and putting little flowers inside under a tree by the Black Lake.

"To the Slug Club, y'know, Slughorns Halloween Party." Marlene reminded as Aries made an 'O' with her mouth.

Aries shrugged, "I wasn't planning on taking anyone in particular, in fact I was planning on ditching." Aries admitted.

"Ditching? You're going to leave me all alone at the Slug Club?" Lily asked with her puppy dog eyes.

"Well I'd think you would be going with someone." Aries said as she looked back to Lily.

"Who? I'm going solo." Lily asked.

"I thought you had a thing for-"

"Weren't you and-"

Alice and Marlene said in unison.

"Wait? Now I'm confused. I thought you were going with either Severus or James?" Aries said as Marlene scoffed.

"James? No way! Severus is definitely Lily's type." The blue tipped girl said defending the Slytherin boy.

"Severus is sweet and all, but James seems like he'd change from his loose ways. He is in Gryffindor." Alice shrugged as she tied a hair band around Aries hair.

The raven hair flowed down her head to just above her chest in a beautiful plait. The little daisies Alice placed in Aries hair were spaced out, gorgeous to the eye.

"Sev- Jam- WHAT?! I don't like either of them more than friends. If you can even call James and I that." Lily said defensively.

"Sure Lils, but it's time to start finding a plus one. Less guys will come up to you then." Aries admitted.

"There's nothing better than teasing a friend about denying her crush, except playing matchmaker." Marlene giggled.

"Exactly" Aries drummed. "Thanks Al." Aries twisted the piece of hair past the hair tie as they listened to Lily drone on about how she didn't like James and how Severus was just a friend.

"Oh, and I actually have a question for you Meredith." Lily asked gaining Aries attention.

"Why did James, Sirius, Remus, and Peter come down from their dorm covered in slime, feathers, confetti, and goo?" Lily asked.

Alice giggled and Marlene didn't even bother to keep her laughter hidden.

"Best prank of the Gryffindors, I'm telling you. That was hysterical!" Marlene laughed.

"Actually, best prank from the Slytherins to the Gryffindors." Aries admitted making Marlene choke from how much she was laughing. Alice and Lily were both shocked.

"Remember last year when the Marauders turned all of the Slytherin uniforms neon red and gold? This was payback." Aries shrugged.

"Why can't you stop getting into trouble for at least a day?" Lily tutted shaking her head.

"Hey at least it was only the boys dorms." Alice reminded.

"No one found out, thankfully I already do the hospital wing thing as a volunteer so let that be looked at as a punishment." Aries explained.

"It's still pranking." Lily retorted.

"At least she won't be alone, she'll be with me." Honey plopped down beside Aries and dropped her book bag near Marlenes.

"I don't think I've fully introduced you all." Aries said as she noticed the confused glances.

"Honey, this is Alice Fortescue, Lily Evans, and Marlene McKinnon. Everyone this is Honey Decker." Aries introduced.

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