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"You look great, by the way." Regulus said as Aries sipped the spiked punch.

"Thanks, though the sewing could've been better..." Aries said as she looked at the side of her dress.

"Stop doing that, you're questioning yourself and that's not okay when you look this amazing." Regulus said as he swatted Aries arm back to its original state.

Plus Sirius and his friend are looking at you.

Aries jerked her head up after she read her younger brothers mind.

"I knew it, I knew you couldn't help it." Regulus smirked, "You made up with Sirius didn't you." He crossed his arms after putting his drink down.

"He's my twin, Reggie. I can't hate him for the rest of my life." Aries shrugged, "but no I haven't made up with Sirius. Yet."

"Mere, he's also a traitor, left without us. Did you forget when he took your-"

"I got the t-shirt back, relax Reggie. And maybe letting him back into our lives wouldn't be the worst." Aries sighed before she began to whisper.

"He could help us out." She said quietly, just barely catching Avery's eye, she knew they were listening. She knew they were watching. Regulus looked at her thoughtfully.

No, they'll come for us. Father already said once you turn seventeen...once I turn seventeen...

Regulus thought shaking his head.

"It's over." Aries finished. "We could still try. It's not like they could find us if we hid well enough. They're not daft enough to drag in the ministry or aurors for that matter." She said before looking over to Sirius.

"They'd find us, they always have. They knew Sirius would be with the Potters, but they still had two children left so it didn't hurt them much. If I were to leave, the Black Pureblood line would be over. If you were to leave, I might become a...well you know...sooner." Regulus sighed once seeing his sisters fixed stare at her shoes.

"We were raised how to survive, not live. Either survive the Pureblood way, or die a blood traitor. I'm ok with surviving, there's not much that I'm good at other than Quidditch and being our parents golden child." Aries rolled her eyes at that.

"You, Aries, weren't meant for just surviving. You were meant for so much more." Regulus took his sisters hands in his, "I know you, I know that you have or are coming up with some sort of plan to escape and I know that somehow you are going to try to get me out too. But we both know I can't leave. Not yet." Aries shook her head and withdrew her hands but Regulus gripped tighter.

"Why are you telling me this Reggie, you're still my responsibility. I can't leave you there!" Aries whisper yelled, annoyance over the fact that her younger brother might be right, penetrated slightly through her stoney exterior.

"One day, you'll come back for me. I know you will."

"How do you know that, how do I know that by the time I can, it won't be too late."

Regulus only smiled softly, "better late than never. But I can promise you that I won't do anything stupid while you're gone."

Aries chuckled quietly, pulling her brother into a hug. Out of the corner of Aries eye, she noticed some movement.

Regulus was right, her twin brought a friend.

But this friend was her favorite.


"I'll be right back." Aries said as she hesitantly walked away from him

"Wh- you're gonna leave me? Alone!" Regulus whisper yelled.

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