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Aries and Marlene walked down from the girls dormitories, already hearing the loud songs from the Slytherin common room.

Marlene had been wearing a v-necked black tank top and a short green skirt. Her hair had been put in Dutch braids and the blue faded tips were now gone.

Aries had on a forest green tube top with a pair of black ripped jeans. Her hair was up, a French braid on the top of her head and pulled up into a ponytail.

Both wearing slippers instead of actual shoes. Marlene wearing cute black bunnies while Aries wore small green turtles.

Aries wasn't surprised when she saw Regulus in the middle of the crowd having a blast while the Prewett twins handed out Firewhiskey and butterbeer in red cups.

Though she was very surprised to see her twin along with a few other Gryffindors partying along. The Prewett twins were iconic for their pranks, but they were also famous for their brewing, that's why Aries wasn't the slightest bit surprised they were there.

The Marauders on the other end were known to be quite cross with Slytherins but apparently only when there's not a party.

Sirius was surrounded by girls, along with several red cups around them. He seemed to be already a bit tipsy seeing how when he saw Marlene his face immediately lit up.

He had started towards them but by the time he had, he had almost fallen into them. "Hey, I love your outfit." Sirius bit his lip as he slurred his words and looked towards the blonde who was busy checking out Gideon for across the room.

"Hey, Mere, I'm gonna go get a drink. Want one?" Marlene asked Aries, completely ignoring Sirius's presence.

"I'll come with." Sirius smirked cheekily, Marlene only rolled her eyes at that and walked off. "She's hot when she's angry." He slurred. "She's still mad at me isn't she?" He asked.

"Give it time little bro." She patted his head only to have him swat her hand away with a scowl. It only deepened when he looked over to where Marlene was, only now she was snogging Gideon.

"I'm getting another drink." He growled.

"Sirius I think you've had enough to drink." Aries shook her head.

"But I just got here, and look at all those pretty blondes over there." He waved to the girl as they cheered for him.

"Are you sure you're ok?" Aries asked him, he hesitated, not glancing back at Marlene.

"I don't know. He doesn't treat her like she deserves. Shes so much better than just a snog." He whispered, before his expression shook off and he grinned. "I'm gonna go party, you should too!" He called out as he left, barely tripping and falling near a girl who blushed.

Aries had started looking for the others, and sure enough they were all there too. Peter was with Alice and Frank in the back. James was near the center of the dance floor, staying clear from Regulus.

And Remus, well...Remus was where Aries spent most of her time at parties. She walked over to the green couch and sat beside him. He had been rereading a Liam Handley book again and drinking from a red cup.

"You're a seat stealer." Aries said as she grabbed a cup off of the trays behind her where the twins had been placing the Firewhiskey and butterbeers.

"I came to a Slytherin party, I'm trespassing anyway. Seat stealing isn't my priority." He joked, putting down his book and drink to get a full look at her outfit.

"I'm surprised you're all here." Aries spoke, yelling slightly from the loud music.

"So am I. Sirius just said, 'it's a party. Who cares if it's with Slytherins'." He quoted.

Aries nodded at that, it seemed like they all kept forgetting that she wasn't a Gryffindor.

"Would you have come if Sirius hadn't dragged you all here?" She asked.

Remus shrugged, "like he said, it's a party." He answered.

His answer didn't satisfy her. She had hoped for a better answer, something actually meaningful to her. But she was overthinking it.

"And...I wanted to see you." He admitted, Aries smiled at that. She drank a bit of her drink and stood up.

She placed the half empty cup on the table in front of them while Remus only gave a confused brow raise.

"C'mon, get up. This is a party." She grabbed his hand and took his book, setting it down nicely on the table and pulling him to the dance floor.

Aries had already started dancing to the beat while Remus looked quite unsure and rather uncomfortable.

With a sigh she pulled his hands into hers and began dancing around, losing herself in the smell of butterbeer and Firewhiskey.

The intoxicating smells becoming an add on to the Firewhiskey now flowing through her system.

Aries smiled as Remus began to flow in the tune as well, she couldn't help the giggle as he spun her around.

A grin set on both of their faces as Marlene and Gideon swung over and danced beside them.

"I'm so glad Slytherin won!" Marlene said as Gideon rested his hands along her lower back.

"Why?" Aries asked as Remus spun her around again.

"There's a party!" Marlene said as if it were obvious.

"There's always a party!" Aries said as Gideon swept her away through the crowds.

"I never told you how beautiful you look." Remus spoke as he held her by her waist to which she quickly moved to her hip. He looked as if he wanted to say something towards her action but stopped himself.

She looked down at her outfit and laughed, "my jeans have a tea stain." She deadpanned.

"Still beautiful." He shrugged, a small smile on his face as he bit his lip.

Aries hadn't met someone that could give out such compliments, and be so casual, someone that could relax, someone that didn't necessarily care about the whole house supremacy.

She couldn't help herself as she ran a hand around his neck to pull him down for a kiss. It took a moment for him to register the action, but as soon as he did, he melted.

The kiss wasn't hungry, or excited, or needy. It was passionate, was perfect.

His hands pulled her body closer by the hips and hers around his neck as the party crowd cheered for them.

His arms pulled her closer as they felt each other's warmth, it radiated off one another only increasing the amount of love they put into the kiss.

Once satisfied, they parted, hands coming up to ruffle Remus's hair in congratulations while girls cooed over Aries.

The two just stared at each other wide eyed and lips parted in shock. She was reading his mind and he knew. They both knew how the other felt in that moment.

Either it was the Firewhiskey that had made Aries bold first or it was her boldness that lit his confidence, but Remus took the moment and went for it again.

His lips coming in contact with hers, the feeling lighting him up like a firework, the excitement from the party, the care and interest he put into the kiss. The warm feelings in his body were unexplainable like always, the only thing he could explain, was how happy he was in that moment.

Aries herself was just as happy as him, melting at the touch of him, feeling the excitement yet the protection as Remus held her. She felt safe and happy and she never wanted that feeling to go away.

That is, until their kiss was broken and she rested her head on his chest, the slower songs starting to play as time went on.

The two just swayed to the music, Remus's head just above hers, watching her close her eyes and never wanting to look away from her almost porcelain looking face.

This kind of happy wasn't the normal kind that Remus felt all the time when he was with his friends. This was a special kind of happy, a very rare occurrence.

This kind of happy only came from one true place in someone's heart.


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