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Aries woke up to someone touching her hair, playing with it, as her eyes began to open. She felt the soft duvet covering her body and she could smell the cinnamon and chocolate scent on the pillow she was covering with her hair.

"Good morning, Ari." The soft voice and sound of her name spoken in such a way made her eyes open a bit more. The feeling of her hair twisting around a finger led her to follow it.

Aries blinked away the blurriness as she inhaled the scent and found Remus laying beside her, holding his head up with his arm.

"It's surprising how soft your hair is, Sirius doesn't let us touch his." Peter spoke, though he squeaked when a book suddenly flew up and swatted him on the arm, "we all touched it! It was Prongs idea!" He added quickly.

The book flew over at James as the boy shrieked and began running around the room, trying to avoid the books wrath.

Sirius could only snicker at the scene unfolding around him, remembering when he was in James position at 12 Grimmauld Place.

"Wormtail! Padfoot! Help me!" James shrieked as he dove over Peter's bed in the corner and tried his best to hide himself under Peters pillows.

"I think you're doing a brilliant job all on your own, Prongs!" Sirius barked a laugh as Aries continued to relax into Remus's touch and use her wandless magic.

"How exactly are you so good at using wandless magic? We're only a bit more than halfway through the school year?" Peter asked.

"I go to the library." Aries answered. Remus's hand dropped from her hair as she sat up and looked between the two, the book still going at it on James as he shrieked once more.

"The library, you and Remus are meant for each other." Sirius shuddered at the thought of walking into such a place.

"It's where I learned everything I know, plus, you know the aisles with the locked up books?" Aries asked.

"The ones we're not supposed to be reading? In the restricted section." Remus wondered.

"I've been reading those since third year." Aries admitted. "Which is how I figured out wandless magic and many other things." She shrugged, slipping off Remus's bed.

Sirius could tell just by looking at Remus, how much he missed her. Remus wasn't one to show his emotions very often, especially his sad or angered feelings. Though when it came to Aries, his feelings seemed to be written all over his face.

As of now, he looked like all he wanted was her back on his bed so he could hold her. It was a poor sight to see.

"Don't you have dueling club! Or something to do in the hospital wing! Or anything!" James yelled as he tried to fend off the slapping book with a pillow, hitting it as if it were a person.

The book suddenly stopped when Aries eye widened and she stopped walking toward her brother and looked at the clock on the wall.

"Dueling club, Salazar I'm gonna be late!" Aries spoke in a rush.

"Oi! Don't speak Slytherins name in the Gryffindor common room!" James whined, as he uneasily stood from his crouched position.

"I have to go-"

"Wait! Hold on, you've been crying since last night, don't we get any details as to what's bothering you?" Sirius asked.

"I agree, you seem to be a bit emotional lately." Peter added.

"I have good reason to be. I'll explain later, for now, I'll see you all later?" Aries didn't wait for a response as she left the Marauders dorm and quickly walked down the many flights of stairs.

Her Single Rose (Remus Lupin)Where stories live. Discover now