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"I don't understand, Professor. What I did...what I made Mindy do...that's beyond Legilimency." Aries kept her eyes on Remus as she paced in the hospital wing.

Professor McGonagall had been walking along the corridors when everything happened and made sure Aries and Remus got to Madame Pomfrey along with asking the other boys for a heavily described explanation.

Though when Aries had arrived after Remus, she was surprised to see Dumbledore and Flitwick by Remus's bedside.

Seeing as Aries was rather exhausted, she had been taken to a bed as well, not that she actually stayed in it.

"And now you're telling me that, Remus was under the Imperius Curse this entire time?" Aries had to admit, the signs were there. But why hadn't she acted on her impulse? Why hadn't she done anything about it?

"Mr. Lupin had only been under the curse for about a week or so. If it had been any longer, this could have resulted in long term damage. Whatever you did Miss Black, you did the right thing." Professor Flitwick spoke as he hopped off the chair beside Remus and walked around the bed.

"I didn't even think, it was completely on accident." Aries shook her head, not accepting the fact that she may have saved someone from such a dangerous spell.

"Apparently you didn't use anything but your thoughts, accident or purpose, you saved him Miss Black." He said sincerely before exiting the hospital wing.

Dumbledore had kept rather quiet as he studied Aries. Her nose had stopped bleeding and her head had stopped aching but it didn't stop it from racing with questions.

Instead of bombarding the older man with questions like she wanted, but one look in Remus Lupin direction and she couldn't resist.

Her body made the motion before her brain could process the movement. Aries sat in the chair beside Remus and lightly touched his hand, grasping the coldness of him.

Only a moment later did the boy shift slightly, his lips moving but his words silent to an ear. As fast as it happened, it stopped, his body no longer shifting but his head now turned towards the raven haired girl.

"Interesting." Was the only thing Dumbledore said as she looked over to him. He seemed to be processing so Aries let it be.

The imperius curse...

She couldn't shake the thought. It seemed utterly ridiculous that Mindy had even thought about using it, let alone actually doing it. And for what? To make Aries jealous? It didn't make any sense.

Mindy may have seemed slightly jealous after awhile, but Aries knew the brunette was smarter than this. Mindy could've done countless other things to make Aries regret ever crossing paths with her. So why the curse? She clearly had been using him even when Aries was not around, but for what? No one was even there watching? Right?"

"May I ask you to join me in my office, there is much I would like to discuss." Dumbledore asked as he stood from his seat beside the werewolf.

"I'd rather stay." Aries said solemnly, glancing at Remus carefully before looking back to the bespectacled man, "can we speak here?" She asked apprehensively

Dumbledore nodded, taking his seat once more, knowing Remus was out cold and no one else was in use of the hospital wing. Lockhart and the others having been discharged earlier before dinner.

"You have considered the job I have proposed to you?" Dumbledore mused as she furrowed her brows.

"I've thought about it, I just need a bit more time. Like you said, it is a rather big decision. Life or death if I may add." She sighed, shaking her head.

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