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"Alright, we want a clean match, no unforgivable curses of any sorts and no physical contact, only spells." Professor Flitwick reminded, Professor Slughorn was also there as the head of Slytherin and Professor Dumbledore.

Remember, no using legilimency on the opponent.

Aries rolled her eyes at Dumbledores voice in her head but held her wand up to announce she was ready to start.

Her opponent was a Ravenclaw boy, which was why Flitwick was there. He too held up his wand to his starting position.

She noted he was left handed, meaning if she used a jinx against his left foot, which he was leaning on, he'd fall and it would be that easy to win.

Aries didn't like easy.

"You may begin." Flitwick announced.

The boy shot the first jinx, in which she shielded effortlessly. He shot one after the next, she kept up her shield, smirking in amusement as he tried harder to hit her with something.

"Colovario" Aries whispered, pointing to the boys hair before quickly shielding his next jinx.

The boys hair turned from blonde to moss green in seconds. A few students giggled, along with Aries herself.

With the leverage of his confusion and short off guard moment, she took it as an advantage to jinx him.

"Confundo, flipendo." She murmured quietly to herself.

He dodged the first jinx but was caught off guard when the second one hit. He flew back, doing a short backflip before landing roughly on his front side.

He quickly got back up and shot a spell at Aries, which she blocked quickly, slightly impressed at how fast he got back up.

Before she could mutter the counter curse fast enough, the Ravenclaw boy shot a leg locking curse at her, sending her onto the ground, her wand being dropped and rolling a couple inches away.

She looked at him dead in the eye, ignoring the sounds of the many protests for cheating the rules.


He had his wand out, pointed straight at her, but when he went to say the words, he couldn't.

Accio wands

His wand suddenly flew out of his hand and into hers, along with her own. Aries legs unlocked, though she still sat, her eyes widened as Flitwick announced the winner.

"Aries Black, remains number one in the dueling club." Flitwick finished.

At the sight of her angry opponent, she sighed and looked up at him, handing him his wand after he helped her get back up.

"You got lucky this time, Black." He muttered to her before walking back to his group of friends.

"Mere, you did wandless magic! Where did that come from?" Remus asked as she shook her head.

"I've been learning wandless magic for a couple months now, never done it that well before." She admitted.

"Miss Black, do you mind if you and I had a little chat?" Dumbledore asked, a small grin on his face as he asked.

"I'll meet you in your office." She nodded to him.

Dumbledore walked off just in time before Remus pressed his lips to hers. His excitement, flooding into hers as she kissed him back.

His arms going around her waist as he deepened the kiss, not caring that a bunch of professors and students were watching.

Aries pulled back slightly, letting him know to wrap it up. "I have a professor to see, but after..." she keyed for him.

Her Single Rose (Remus Lupin)Where stories live. Discover now