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"You have got to be kidding me, this is rubbish. I'm not going to sit here and study, charms is-"

"Used with wands, yes. But in order to understand what kind of spells you're casting you have to read about them." Aries shrugged and pushed the book to the bespectacled boy.

Aries would never admit it, but she wore eye contacts. Her mother all but screamed at her whenever she even tried to wear her glasses.

Quoting her mother's words, "You look horrific in those, next time you where them, I swear they'll be burned, or I'll burn you!".

Her mother was absolutely terrifying, but when she spoke like this, it was difficult not to laugh. Not a smile not a lift of the lip, it was really hard.

"You read it, I'll listen." James pushed the book back to Aries. The girl glanced at the text but shook her head seeing as it was nothing but a blur.

"You're not five, Potter, I'm not your mother. Read it yourself." She pushed the book back to the boy with a sigh.

"Why can't we do something else." James groaned as he poked the book.

"Well, what else did you have in mind." Aries raised a brow, "the point of these meetings are for you to learn and excel in charms. What else would we do?"

He thought for a moment leaving a drifty silence between the two until he picked up on an idea.

"Oh, there's a Halloween party in the Great Hall in a few weeks. Planning on taking anyone? Wearing a costume?" James asked with interest.

Aries had actually known about the party. She had already started designing a few dresses in her sketch book, all she had to do now was get the materials from hogsmeade and put the pieces together.

Of course there was more to it than just putting it together, and some would use magic, but Aries would rather hands on designing.

"Costume wise, you'll have to just wait and see. I'm not bringing a date though." Aries shrugged.

"No lovers, huh. I'd of thought you'd be circled by guys by now." James chuckled in amusement, "you're one of the most approachable people I know." He wiggled his brows.

"Sure, but, I don't know. I just got out of a relationship, I'm not really ready for that sort of thing right now." Aries shrugged as she admitted herself.

"Awe, who had the broom to ask you out." He asked with interest.

Aries opened her mouth to speak about Fabian, only then noticing his presence leave the library. After Fabian was gone, that was when she realized something else.

"That's cold, Potter. Tryna get me to talk for the next two hours so you don't have to do any work. Real Slytherin work there." Aries applauded making James smirk.

"Glad you noticed." James grinned.

"Then you're glad you're reading." Aries shoved the book into his hands as his smirk dropped.

"I hate you." James said giving her a frown.

"I'd be concerned if you didn't. Read the book."


"Come onnn." Lily tried as Alice, Marlene, and Aries walked into the Great Hall.

"It'll be fun." Alice said hopefully.

"It's only one night." Marlene shrugged as they sat down at the Gryffindor table together. Aries felt hesitant, but it was only once, right? Who would even notice.

"I'm not interested in having a sleep over tonight." Aries retorted.

The truth of the matter was that Aries was still having night terrors. Thrashing in her sleep, out of breath when she wakes up, feeling the need to scream but her lungs were hoarse.

Her Single Rose (Remus Lupin)Where stories live. Discover now