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"Okay, okay, when you put it that way it sounds pretty stupid." Remus laughed.

"Well, falling face first in mud by tripping on air is pretty stupid. Though it would've been pretty funny to watch." Aries giggled.

Remus smiled at her as she looked out towards the setting sun. He couldn't help but notice her features, her entire side profile.

The light reflecting on her skin, the shine in her hair, the small dimples on her cheeks when she smiled.

Remus noticed the gentle flutter of her long eyelashes, the small indent on her bottom lip when she bit down in it.

"I don't ever get a chance to watch the sunset was always so beautiful, guess that never changes." Aries told him.

"I'm looking at better." He muttered, hoping she didn't hear. Though, from the blush creeping up on her neck and cheeks, she heard.

So far the date had consisted of lots and lots of memories being shared, giggles and laughs, candy tossing into each others mouths and of course a time of happy silence while Aries finished eating a stick of rock candy.

"How about a swim?" Remus asked as he got to his feet and started removing his shoes, a grin on his face.

"Wh-..uh, yeah, maybe I'll just stay here and read a little..." Aries started nervously.

Remus shook his head as he took off his school sweater vest and started unbuttoning his white shirt.

"C'mon it'll be fun." Aries gulped as she looked around trying to see if anyone was still around.

"It's a bit cold, I wouldn't want to catch any illness." She tried.

"Rubbish." He hesitated, "okay maybe it's a little cold but it'll be fine, plus you would know how to treat us anyway." Remus shrugged before pulling Aries to her feet.

"It'll be fun, c'mon." He grinned, Aries shook her head.


"No buts, trust me it's totally worth it." He said pulling her towards the water.


"It's not that cold-"

"Remus I can't swim!" Aries blurted out before his hands reached the hem of her sweater vest to help her get undressed.

Aries was not only surprised, but caught off guard when he dropped his hands and placed them on her hips.

"You don't know how to swim?" He asked, his lip lifting a bit.

Aries rolled her eyes and muttered, "it's not funny. I never needed to learn so Walburga never taught me."

Remus nodded in understanding, Sirius himself had admitted he didn't know how to swim, so over the summer James had taught him in shallow water. Now Remus knew it was his turn to help a Black too.

He slowly reached for her vest but paused, looking at her for permission. Aries furrowed her brows.

"Do you trust me?" He asked. Aries hesitated but nodded nonetheless. He helped her out of her vest and skirt, letting her white top fall down her hips slightly. But she stopped him at her white button up.

"I'll leave it on." She told him, he smiled coyly but nodded before taking her hand and leading her towards the water.

Aries pulled back cautiously, "Rem..."

"Just, trust me." Remus told her as they began walking into the water. Aries didn't know what to do, she didn't know how to swim, nor understand what he was doing. But she trusted that he wouldn't let anything happen to her.

Her Single Rose (Remus Lupin)Where stories live. Discover now