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It was Christmas Eve.

The Christmas Party was right in the main hall, decorations flowering the room as far as the eye could see. A large, ornament covered pine tree was sat in the corner of the room, tinsel and beads following in a rhythm down to the bottom of the tree.

Presents littered under the tree like snow, fake and for show. Music from a live orchestra was playing in the center of the room, violins, cellos, all the strings.

Tables for food and wine were tinted in black and blood red table cloths, smaller tables and chairs were placed on the sides for seating.

Aries sighed and closed her eyes, her eye had gotten pretty swollen, but after some icing, it came down to just a layered black, blue, and purple.

Ellie had placed a charm on her bruises so she could wear her grey dress, it was long and had a ruffled v-neck. Aries hadn't designed the dress but it still looked pretty and matched her eyes.

"You ready?" Regulus asked as he tried to straighten his tie.

"I'm never ready." Aries shook her head with a grin and looked back to her brother, "Salazar, you're doing it wrong." She said slapping his hands away from his bow tie and helping him.

"Didn't father ever teach you how to tie these?" Aries asked as she pulled away.

"Yes and no, he taught, Sirius. But I guess after so many failed attempts with him, he just didn't bother with me. I learned from watching. Plus you're not much better at school." Regulus shrugged.

"Different ties. I learned from mother doing fathers. He would always come to her with a slanted tie and ask for help." Aries smiled slightly, remembering the memory of her sitting on her parents bed while her parents helped each other get ready. Back when times were still...good.

"Daddy's girl." Regulus smirked at her.

"Mommas boy." Aries retorted.

"Shall we." Regulus chuckled and held out his hand for her.

"We shall." Aries mocked, taking his hand lightly as he placed his thumb over her hand.

The big doors opened, letting the two inside the main room and elegantly descend down the steps.

Aries hair was slick straight with a tone of shine, her nails were painted a matte grey and her lips were coated in a light red.

She made her way towards families, greeting them, having a brief conversation and moving on as quick as she could. If anything, she only would've wanted to be there to show off her designs, but since she wasn't wearing her designs she wanted to be as far away from that party as possible.

"Aries Black, how nice to see you." An older man smiled smugly at her.

"Mr. Ludic, if I didn't know any better, I'd think you'd lost a few pounds. Say hello to the Mrs. for me." Aries spoke, placing the fake smile on her face and giving him a brief compliment.

"Ah, you little charmer." Mr. Ludic smiled before wondering off to another person to bug.

Aries continued to look around, though her gaze quickly landed on a couple. A couple that looked oddly familiar, the woman had graying hair, she wasn't much taller than Aries but she was still a good foot shorter than her husband.

The man beside her was a salt and pepper, he looked similar to someone she knew, but couldn't place her finger on it.

I bet they all think we're blood traitors, but I mean...we were invited...

Ah, the Potters, she smiled slightly as she began to make her way towards them.

"Mr. and Mrs. Potter?" Aries asked as she stood in front of them. The couple paused their conversation and looked to her with forced smile.

"Hello, dear. Lovely party." Mr. Potter said kindly.

Aries chuckled slightly to herself, "I go to school with your son, James." She told them, "I believe my brother lives with you now, correct?" She asked.

The couple glanced at each other nervously, "Yes, Sirius does currently live with us. I couldn't imagine it any other way." Mr. Potter spoke defensively

Aries smiled genuinely and nodded, "I'm glad. I'm glad he found a family that cares." She told them and glanced over to her mother, who was watching her with slits as eyes. Aries gulped.

"Aries, Sirius showed up on our doorstep bleeding and injured saying he ran away. Do you need help?" Mrs. Potter asked as Mr. Potter smiled fakely towards Aries mother.

Aries shook her head, "As in trouble as I already am, I'll survive. I can get the help I need when I need it." She told them.

The two didn't look very convinced, Aries sighed. "I promise that if I need anything, you'll be the first to know." She promised them, "for now, I'm gonna try and avoid this party as much as possible." She looked around the room uncomfortably.

"Alright, we'll see you on the platform when we drop off James and Sirius for the train." Before two bid their goodbyes, Aries stopped them.

"Do tell the boys I miss them. And Sirius plan isn't going to work." The two nodded allowing Aries to walk across the room and to the outer terrace.

It was freezing outside and there was snow on the ground but it was worth it, seeing the snowflakes fall from the cloudy sky, hearing the faint sound of Christmas Carols, seeing the snow covered pine trees outside.

The views were breathtaking, but it was the air of the cold night that gave Aries an extra breath of life, that freeing feeling that she seemed to always crave.

That view that she always wanted to see, the sounds Aries always wanted to hear. It helped her relax, helped her to find a genuine smile for a genuine calming.

Aries was more than tired of the parties and the balls and the fancy words, she was tired of the constant expectations that always raised, she was tired of the punishments that never seemed to end.

She was tired of not feeling the love that she always saw when students returned to their families, Aries was tired of not being taught how to love and how to care, she was bored of being home and not doing something, anything.

Honey happened to know Aries better than she thought, seeing as a pebble nearly poked her eye out when it was thrown.

"Hey! My mum told me I had a curfew of 11:30 tonight, we have an hour and a half of freedom! Get down here!" Honey yelled in her snow attire.

A grin set on Aries lips as she looked down at Honey, she shut the doors to the outer terrace and took off her heels, keeping them in the corner of the outer terrace gate.

She pulled the skirt of her dress up enough for her to swing her legs over and find the ladder on the wall beside the terrace.

Back when Aries met Honey, Aries had asked Ellie to make an invisible ladder in between the terrace and Aries window. Her parents had never found it and Aries was determined to keep it hidden as long as she could.

Once Aries made it down the ladder, she tore the bottom of the skirt so it was shorter and easier to walk in, while Honey handed her a jacket, shoes, and a beanie.

"This never gets old." Honey giggled softly as Aries did the same.

"Thank you." Aries told Honey genuinely.

"For what?" Honey asked.

"For being understanding, about this whole hiding out together thing. For being my friend." Aries admitted as she stuck her hands into her pockets.

"You and me are rock solid, we need each other." Honey said placing an arm around Aries shoulder as the two began walking off to the streets.

"One day, our kids are gonna be best friends like us. Sneak out to see each other. Oh! What if they fell in love! We could be sisters one day." Honey fantasized.

"Keep dreaming Hon."

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