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Aries watched the map in her hands closely, seeing how Honey and Ben seemed to still be talking in the hospital wing and how McGonagall was pacing in her office.

She had made the map when she started planning her escape. The map was double sided, the front and back both being labeled at the top.

The front was of Hogwarts. Every secret opening and tunnel, all classrooms and professors offices. It was all there. Including the students that were most important to her liking.

The back was of 12 Grimmauld Place. It held every room, every secret opening to walls, the people inside, and it included where all of the secret locks were on doors.

Both sides of the maps were extremely useful. Not only to help her escape plans, but also to keep away from Filch when she wanted a midnight snack or on the first days of school on her nightly strolls.

Plus it was a great advantage if she wanted to avoid contact with anyone in particular. All in all, the map was more than just a map to her, it was a life line that she felt she couldn't live without.

"Never caught" Aries whispered placing the tip of her wand on the parchment and watching as the ink slowly faded away and the only writing left was the faint words of:

Open, and you will burn to ash
Return to Albus Dumbledore

Aries knew it was a bit harsh of a warning but she couldn't have people finding the parchment, if she lost it, and throwing it away without a second thought.

Seeing as she labeled it for Dumbledore, Aries could only hope they would give it to him. He'd surely know exactly who it belonged to.

It had been ten minutes since Aries left the hospital wing. Five minutes more than what she had agreed to.

With a sigh Aries opened the doors of the wing and walked through only then noticing the sounds coming from it.

"Ben" a breathy moan came.

Bloody hell

"Honey! Ben!" Aries shouted. The two immediately split apart breathing heavily as they both fixed their shirts.

"Salazar, please tell me you were not about to scar all of these patients for dear life 'cause you couldn't keep it in your pants." Aries said exasperatedly.

Honey held an apologetic smile on her face while Ben stood slightly dazed and grinning.

Aries sighed, pinching the bridge of her nose. She could see the hickey beginning to form on her friends neck.

She looked to Ben with a raised brow before shaking her head. "Get out, both of you, before I ban you from coming in here ever again." She said pointing to the door, they both scurried out of the wing giggling.

Aries shook her head in disbelief as she went back to her letters, she would have to go up to the owlery to send them.

She stood up from her desk, grabbing the handful of letters she wrote and began her leave. Pomfrey would be up and minute to check on the patients.

Before Aries could make it a step out of the giant doors, Sirius, James, and Peter were holding up Remus trying to get to where she was.

She hadn't looked at them fully that morning, she hadn't noticed the bags under all of their eyes or their ragged hair. She did notice that the boys had covered up the wounds they had with their school robes.

"Mere." James huffed a sigh of relief. "Merlin, help us get him on a bed." He said quickly, snapping Aries from her thoughts.

"Yeah, of course." Aries said putting the letters in her apron pocket and pulling out her wand.

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