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Aries groaned as someone shook her awake violently, but stopped her moaning when she was shushed.

"Stop groaning, c'mon. This'll be fun." It was Honey. At three in the morning.

The two had made quite a ruckus throughout the afternoon yesterday leaving the Marauders pranks to shame. Honey had gone a bit wild with a few of the dungbombs she found in the boys dorm and with Aries talent with charms, they managed to make the result of said dungbombs four times worse than they really were.

Honey and Aries had so much fun that they decided to prank the Gryffindor boys dorm and rig it in every way they could. It was just a matter of when.

"Why, what, and where?" Aries croaked, half asleep.

"Because I said so, pranks, Gryffindor boys dorm." By the sound of that Aries shot up from her laid down position.

"You have the bag?" Aries asked as she made out Honeys figure in the dark.

"I have the bag." Honey answered.

"Then let's go." Aries said as she pulled off the covers and slid on a jacket, her mismatching green and black socks went bare without shoes as the two exited the dorm quietly. 


"Stop giggling." Honey whispered as Aries used her mischievous giggle.

They had already poured sand on the ground of half the boys dorms. The sand going from the floor boards, up the their bedside.

It'll be rather difficult trying the find their shoes and schoolbooks now. Plus all the dirty laundry Aries had to be careful of.

In the next dorm they were planning on placing pies all over the floor boards and on top of the students though they went with a different touch.

"Aries, the sock is stuck to my hand." Honey whispered as she tried to shake the sock off her palms.

"How did you manage to get that stuck to your hand?" Aries shivered slightly at the use of her name as she used magic to unstick it. It's not that she minded Honey using it, as she always had, it just took some time to get used to her hearing it from someone not angry with her.

"It's glue, it's supposed to make things stick to you." Honey retorted.

So far, they had stuck all the students clothing all over the walls, floor, and ceiling. Plus Honey shaved one of their heads just for good measure.

Why they didn't use magic instead of Muggle supplies? It was just so much more fun.

"I like the design." Aries whispered to Honey as they looked at the clothing in some sort of artistic masterpiece rhythm.

"Me too." Honey agreed.

"Final touch" Aries said taking a slightly dried paint brush from her backpack and dipped it in the black paint Honey brought and painted a Black Heart on the door. Once she finished, Honey and Aries looked satisfied with their creation and walked out quietly, shutting the door.

The next dorm happened to be one that made both of them grin.

The Marauders dorm.

Which meant they could go sky high with this prank. And sky high they would go.

"You brought the slip 'n slime?" Honey asked.

"Grabbed it before I walked out the door." Aries answered while she grinned holding the large can of never ending slip 'n slime.


Aries adjusted the clock next to Peters head, feeling a tinge of regret for him, seeing as he had done nothing to her, same for Remus.

Her Single Rose (Remus Lupin)Where stories live. Discover now