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"How is this even possible? You know all of this!" Marlene huffed, crossing her arms, only to have Madame Prince shush her from across the room.

Aries smirked and shook her head with a shrug, today the girls were studying in the library for Herbology. Since Marlene wanted to study so badly, which came to a huge shock to everyone, Aries split the week into portions.

Today being Herbology, tomorrow Defense Against the Dark Art, and so on for Charms, Arithmancy, and Astronomy. Though since Gryffindor had a Quidditch match with the Ravenclaws in two days, Aries made sure to keep away from studying that day.

"I'm sure you know a lot as well. There's no reason to get Lily crazy over this test-" though her words were cut short as of course Lily walks in with Alice, both struggling to hold all of their studying materials.

Lily ended up dropping her books on the desk Aries and Marlene were seated at, resulting in being shushed again by Prince.

As Lily and Alice got comfortable in their spots, only then did they notice Aries smirk and raised eyebrow.

"We know, we know. We're late, can't a girl catch a break? Not everyone has a talent for easily taking in information." Lily defended as the girl only giggled.

"You lot will do great on your exams. We have a bit more than a few weeks-"

"Which is not enough time to cram all of this nonsense in our heads, dear brain forgive me." Alice cut off as she found her Herbology book, along with likely twenty or more pages of notes to study on.

"Alright, let's get to it!" Marlene said brightly, once more gaming a shush and a glare sent by Madame Prince.


"My head hurts" Lily groaned as the girls trudged out of the library...all except a very amused Aries Black.

"That was what? Three hours of studying?" Aries furrowed her brows in calculation.

"Doesn't really matter, does it? My brain feels like mush. All that studying went in one ear and out the other." Alice spoke sounding rather dazed.

Aries chuckled quietly, gaining a series of glares, "alright, how about you girls head up to your dorms and I'll go grab some food from the kitchens. It's likely everyone is still in the Great Hall for dinner." She said rubbing Marlene's back soothingly.

"Food...food sounds good." Marlene nodded, all of which making the girls smile at the thought of warm chicken and mashed potato's.

"Hurry up then, I'll meet you all there." Aries shook her head watching the girls sluggishly walk up the stairs to the next floor, only to begin her walk to the kitchens.

Her thoughts, however, we're quickly stirred away from the facts of Herbology and taken back to the conversations she had shared with Dumbledore.

He had told her she had time to make a decision, but had also told her to be wise with it as well. Aries didn't know exactly how to make her decision off of such vague description.

She didn't know what she would be getting herself into, not if it would affect her life in the future or the people around her. Aries took into account the secrecy Dumbledore had warned her about.

Was this decision life altering? What did her abilities have to do with the job? What would she have to do? What would she be willing to lose or gain? In what ways would Aries be able to contribute to this job and how well could she provide? What was on the line? But the biggest question Aries had, was how much was she willing to trust Dumbledore? How much faith could she put into this man? And how much trust and faith could she put into her own abilities?

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