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Aries felt more and more confused the more she thought about her interaction with Remus and Mindy.

She wasn't aware of how hurt she would feel seeing Remus with other girls. Especially Mindy.

Aries was so stuck in her thoughts, that Marlene had to physically steer the girl all the way to the carriages.

Honey nudged the raven haired girl, raising a brow indicating an explanation for her quiet mood.

"Does Remus seem different to you?" Aries asked, not caring how she sounded.

Alice seemed to take it into consideration for a moment, but Honey jumped in before Alice could even open her mouth, "is this because of Mindy? She had that annoying smirk on her face again when you came back into the compartment on the train." She asked.

"No, Remus...his eyes..." Aries furrowed her brows thinking hard about what happened.

"Don't hurt yourself thinking about Remus now." Lily spoke, her eyes filled with concern over her friends most recent obsession, "I'm sure it's nothing, Meredith. He was fine in the prefects compartment." She shrugged off the matter.

Aries didn't seem any better about the matter, but relaxed a bit as she remembered where she was, who she was with, and where she was going.

"Honey? Remember back when Ben said he was writing a song. Did he finish it?" Aries asked looking to Honey.

The curly haired girl nodded, "it's a good song too. When we see him, I can ask if he can play it for us." She smiled, talking about the boy she liked brought a blush to her cheeks.

"Speaking of music, how about you and your band." Alice's words brought a wild grin to Honeys face as she quickly began getting into full detail on all the songs she's written.

Some she spoke very highly of like, "our last summer", "Dark Horse", and "Dancing Queen"

Soon enough, Hogwarts came into few. It felt like her first year all over again, the same feeling from earlier but intensified.

The castle looked bigger, the old memories Aries had seemed to feel like another life. Those bad memories she always had looking back at Hogwarts seemed to shrivel the more she made better memories.

All the negative thoughts she would feel when she came back to Hogwarts disappeared. Now all she saw was a fresh start.

"Well this is an unusual expression, are you smiling Meredith?" Lily asked with a knowing smile.

Aries hadn't even realized she was holding a small smile on her face, "I don't know what you're talking about." She raised a brow, though the girls around her only shook their heads.

They could all see the change in Aries. She was less stiff, less proper, she seemed more relaxed. Aries hair was looser, her clothes weren't nearly as fancy as before. Dressing herself in merely jeans and an old band t-shirt.

It didn't take long for the group of fifth years to break free from the carriage and excitedly walk towards the giant castle.

The girls quickly found Ben leaning along the wall with his guitar and his friends, all of them in their own little world of music.

One was on the ground with two sticks, drumming to a nice beat while Ben matched it. Another band member had an instrument that looked like a guitar too, though it was a little longer.

The last band member was writing down some words on a notepad, he seemed extremely focused as Ben hummed a nice tune.

Honey grinned as she found herself walking towards her boyfriend, the group paused at the notice of the girl, all of them smiling at her presence.

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