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Remus woke up with a banging headache and groaned, turning on his back and pushing his skull into his pillow. Until he felt another body next to him.

Remus looked over at his side to see Aries Meredith Black in his bed, wearing his jumper, fast asleep.

He didn't remember anything from the night before, only when he walked into the Slytherin common room did his memory become foggy.

Remus sat up and was immediately greeted with a cup of water, which he took along with a pill.

"Thank you." He told Sirius genuinely as he ran a hand through his hair. "So what happened last night?" He asked the room.

"What is my sister doing in your bed?" Sirius asked in confusion, "she's not naked is she?"

"No! Merlin Padfoot!" Remus whisper yelled, a small blush rising on his cheeks at the thought. She had technically decided against putting on the pants he grabbed her so she was half naked, but that doesn't really count, right?

"It's coming back in blurs." James squinted as he massaged his temples, "I think they poisoned me or something."

Peter opened the door to the bathroom and wiped his mouth slightly, seeming to be just now finishing his hangover.

"I barely remember even leaving the Slytherin common room. I know you must have had fun on the dance floor, Moony but this..." He smirked, wiggling his brows.

Remus was dumbfounded, "We what? I can't...I can't remember anything, my head hurts." He groaned and sank back into his head. The moment he did so, she cuddled into his side, resting her head and arm on his chest.

"Well get up, sleepy head, cause we've got class in half an hour and still need to eat breakfast."
James said.

"I can't."

"What do you mean you can't." James looked in Remus's direction, only to see a sleeping beauty laying half on and half off of him, "oh. Don't wake her up. I doubt she's even slept much since tonight." Though James still had mixed feelings about the girl, he still cared for her well-being.

Remus smelt the raspberry perfume on his pillow and grinned goofily. He didn't mind one bit that Aries clung onto him in her sleep. She looked more than beautiful laying there and especially in his jumper. He leaned down slightly, kissing her forehead while she kept softly.

Remus wished he could be as confident as he was now all the time with her. He didn't know why he was always so nervous around her. Maybe from when she rejected him at the beginning of the year? But that was only because she was afraid of what her parents would do. If she wasn't having to worry, would she have said yes?

Remus shook his head while his memories decided it was time to come back to him.

His brows furrowed as he remembered some of the events from the night before.

"You said I danced with Aries right?" Remus asked as into the room.

"Yeah, among other things." James chuckled, Sirius frowned at that.

"Wait, what? And how did you get on a first name basis" Sirius asked as he turned to Remus.

"That's not the point Padfoot." Remus avoided the question, "All I remember was the dancing and...the kiss." He admitted, turning slightly red as the fluttery feeling wiggled its way back inside of him.

"Look at him, he's turning into James...but doing a better job at getting the girl." Peter joked.

"Oi!" James threw a pillow at Peter.

Her Single Rose (Remus Lupin)Where stories live. Discover now