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"We're gonna be late for Defence Against The Dark Arts, Marlene." Aries whined as Marlene continued to get side tracked in the corridors.

"A student fell, I had to laugh. What was I supposed to do? Just keep walking?!" Marlene gaped.

"Yes, Mar. that's exactly what you should've done." Aries rolled her eyes as she relocated the book bag on her shoulder.

By the time the two had finally gotten to their DADA class, Professor Hardwin had already started the lesson.

"Ladies, I'm glad you could both find the time to join us." Hardwin spoke, her lips thinning.

Neither responded verbally, only sharing a small eye roll to the professors statement.

"Though, I would like to see you after class." She told them before carrying on with the lesson. "As I was saying, this week we will be learning about boggarts. For today, please read through pages one hundred and eighty to one hundred and ninety-four and take notes." She announced.

A series of groans for protests were heard from around the room, Professor Hardwin only waved her hand dismissively in acknowledgment.

"Why were you late?" Honey asked. "Another student tripped again?" She joked.

Marlene poorly hid a giggle, "yes, actually that's exactly what happened. Poor little Hufflepuff tripped and dropped all her books. First year too." Aries sighed disappointedly.

"It was funny." Marlene defended quietly, but shriveled under the narrowed eye of Hardwin.

Sometimes I feel like she's lesbian and undressing me with her eyes...

Aries had to choke on her laugh in order to not burst from Marlenes thoughts. "You bitch, reading my thoughts." The blonde huffed. Though looked slightly impressed that she almost got her best friend into a laughing fit.

"I don't think, Hardwin is into girls." Aries muttered as she watched Professor Zefoni stride in. Hardwin watching as he did so with a mild lip twitch.

"Blimey, he looks like he's in a walking marathon everywhere he goes." Honey whispered.

"It's surprising he went for teaching Astronomy and not something more...physically active." Marlene said in amazement.

He was pretty fit for a man above his forties. He always wore a white button up and black trousers, rarely wearing the long robe everyone had except Dumbledore.

"How he stays in shape is a mystery, it's almost sad when you compare a forty year old man to the boys at this school and see such a disturbing difference." Aries sighed sadly. "At least you two have boyfriends." She told them as Professor Zefoni and Hardwin spoke in whispers.

"Oh please, you can't compare Ben to Professor Zefoni. There's no decision needed. Ben told me he's been one of the best on the Quidditch team." Honey spoke.

"You're joking, he does realize that a broomstick and a guitar are two very different things." Marlene whispered. "I mean, the boy plays a guitar writing love songs about you in the common room all the time, what athletic ability does he really have?" She told Honey.

"More than Gideon, at least my boyfriend has good hygiene." Honey retorted.

"Girls, c'mon-"

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