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"This is ridiculous." Aries said, pulling out her wand as her and Ben walked to Dumbledores office, "why did he have to ask us to come tonight? And so close to the end of the year. Why is he starting training now?" She asked, conjuring a jacket from the cold hallways.

"He's Dumbledore. He has his reasons." Ben sighed, losing count of how many times he had explained this while they walked to the professors office.

Aries did her best to cover more skin, pulling down her skirt a bit before her and Ben arrived at the Gargoyle, "do you know the password?" Aries asked Ben.

"He said you would know. Something about candy." Aries smiled at that, she had known about Dumbledores addiction to lemon drops since she had arrived.

"Lemon Drops." Aries said, biting her red lips as the statue moved.

"What is it with that man and candy." Ben shook his head with a laugh before letting Aries go up the stairs before him.

"Hm, Honey has taught you well. You're becoming more and more gentlemanly each time I see you." Aries told him as they arrived at Dumbledores door.

"Well, Honey deserves a good man. And I hope I can be that expectation one day." Ben smiled, merely the thought of his girlfriend making his mood pick up, as he knocked on the door.

Come in

Aries and Ben both walked into the old man's office at his use of legilimency. Instead of coming in and seeing Dumbledore at his desk. He was standing in the middle of the room with his desk, chairs and potentially breakable object on the outer rim of the room.

Beside Dumbledore was a man with a staff. He had two bright blue eyes and curly blonde falling short by his ears. Aries recognized him rather quickly by the prosthetic leg as Auror Alastor Moody.

The girl furrowed her brows at the young looking man, his hair beginning to look more and more greasy the longer she looked at him, "Ah, Miss Black, Mr. Crawford. I'd like you two to meet Alastor Moody, auror and member of the Order of the Phoenix." Dumbledore said, though Aries didn't seem to care.

"I think I'd know my own uncle, professor." Ben spoke dryly.

Aries looked between Ben and Alastor, suddenly remembering the ties she had to the family. Alastor definitely was the identical twin of Aries very own Uncle Alphard, especially with the piercing blue eye that seemed to be staring into Aries very soul. Though the resemblance tragically ended with the sight of scarring and an eye patch covering his left eye.

"Dumbledore it's midnight, there's exams to prepare for tomorrow, I don't see how having whatever this training session is, is worth starting merely three weeks before the school year is over." She spoke, her eyes unwavering from Dumbledores.

"The point to all of this, girl, is that a war is coming and coming quick. We need to train as many people as necessary, though I thought we'd at least be training children of higher age, Dumbledore." Alastor was quick to snap.

Aries quirked a brow at the man. It was clear to her now, though Alastor disowned himself from the Black family, he still had the same attitude the majority of the family held. Aries reckoned even with the stoic, yet annoying, attitude, he definitely was not a Slytherin while he attended Hogwarts. 

"These two fine students are top of their class, Alastor...and rather special, if I may add." Dumbledore spoke swiftly, a twinkle in his eyes as he looked at Aries and Ben.

Alastor rolled his eyes, while the two men spoke back and forth, Aries took to herself. She took a step forward, tilting her head ever so slightly, her mind wondering into the blonde man's head as she started to open his memories.

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