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It was officially Christmas Break and Aries couldn't have dreaded it more. Though she wasn't the only one unhappy about going home, none of the Slytherins were in the best moods.

Everyone was slouching around, having already packed a day early, Aries was walking around the corridors while the other students ran around frantically to pack all of their things.

Aries was actually quite amused of how many students had lost their valuables around the school and not just in their own dorms.

Though the raven haired girl hoped her morning would have started off better, she had awoken to her new boyfriend gone, without a note. It had rather pissed her off that he just left and right after such a wonderful night.

Because of this, Aries felt no remorse in keeping the shirt he left and decided it would be best in her care.

"How you holding up?" Honey asked as she walked into step with Aries. The two striding down the corridors filled with students running around and saying their goodbyes.

"That's a rubbish question, how do you think?" Aries spat.

"Rubbish or smart, a question is a question. Normally questions will get answered though." Honey shrugged.

"Terrible, that's how I feel about break. Just another Christmas Party, my mother having her fun criticizing me, and then I end up covering a couple bruises coming back." Aries explained. "How about you?" She asked.

"That's a rubbish question, what do you think?" Honey retorted, mocking Aries.

"Just as bad I'm guessing?" Aries asked.

"Not as bad, but bad. You know, like pretty bad, but not bad bad." She explained.

"I wonder how many times you can say 'bad' in a sentence without it sounding weird." Aries thought out loud.


"I'm gonna stop you right there, I can already see the words forming in your head." Aries cut off her friend.

"Alright, well, seeing how you so rudely cut me off. I might just not ever tell you anything, since you're a mind reader and all." Honey said exasperatedly.

"Hush! Stop flaunting that fact around! And it's legilimency and occlumency. Its not just mind reading." Aries whispered as she looked around swiftly for any Slytherins.

"But you still can. Which means you could literally read my plans for next year." Honey groaned.

"Honey, I told you once, I'll say it again. I don't like using legilimency on anyone unless I have their consent to do so. Any other time is completely on accident. Like if I'm feeling emotional and someone touches me, whether it's a poke to the skin or a giant hug." Aries claimed.

"So, you're not reading my mind right now?" Honey asked.

"I've definitely thought about it, but no." Aries shook her head as the two walked into the Great Hall where some students were still eating breakfast. The Marauders were no where to be found.

"Well, I really wish you would! It would make this whole conversation so much easier." Honey flopped onto the bench and grabbed a gummy worm, which she had convinced Dumbledore to make before Christmas Break.

...Planning on not coming back next year...Ben is coming...If mother kicks me out...homeless

Aries was shocked by the confused thoughts swarming around Honeys head. She quickly put all the facts together.

"Wait, so if your mother kicks you out, you'll be homeless. And since it's too much to stay here, you're moving and not gonna come back next year. Bens coming with you. I-...Honey we're barely of age." Aries said quickly but quietly.

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