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"Alright, that's it!" Aries sighed loudly, keeping herself a safe distance from Lucius. "We're splitting up. Mindy and I will go to Gladrags and you two can go to Honeydukes." Aries suggested.

"Sounds good, now hurry up!" Mindy whined and tugged harder on Aries arm.

"See you later! At the three broomsticks!" Regulus shouted after his sister as the two parted ways.

"Holy Salazar, you and Malfoy hate each other don't you, I can tell that much." Mindy said as the two walked to Gladrags.

"If it isn't obvious already than I don't know what is." Aries rolled her eyes, "he's a bloody toe rag that doesn't know when to quit."

The two walked through the front entrance and were immediately greeted by the owner, Mrs. Evergreen.

"Hello, my dear, I see you've brought a friend." She smiled happily. Her grey curls bobbing as she clapped her hands excitedly.

"Now, Now, Francis. Let's give the girls some room, darling. How can we help you two charming young ones on this fine afternoon?" Mr. Evergreen asked with a smile.

"There's going to be a Halloween Ball next week, we were interested in finding something for that occasion." Aries said getting straight to the point.

"Ah, Halloween is creeping up on us again. The costumes are right in that corner over there, help yourselves." Mrs. Evergreen said pointing them in the right direction.

"Thank you!" Mindy said excitedly as she trotted over to the costume section.

"Oh and Aries-"

"Please, just Meredith." Aries reminded giving Mr. Evergreen a small smile.

"Er- Meredith, you did leave your sketch book here last time you were in. And might I say, you are quite an outstanding artist, plus those designs, flawless." He praised making Aries shrug.

"Thank you, Mr. Evergreen." Aries said, happy the conversation didn't last long.

She wasn't even planning on getting a costume, in fact she was planning on making her own. Though when one caught her eye, she only found ways to improve it.

It was a plain green floor length dress that looked to be a bit bigger than her size, though that was easily adjustable. The rest, Aries knew she could perform wonders to make it perfect.


"Why can't I see it?" Mindy whined as the two left Gladrags and began their journey to the three broomsticks.

"It's a surprise, Mindy." Aries said as they walked into the pub. It took a moment to find Regulus and Lucius in a corner booth with, sadly, what looked like, Parkinson and another girl.

She didn't care.

She wasn't gonna sit next to Lucius and hear him blabber on and on about his great achievements and how proudly his father talks of him.

In other words,

Aries thought he was an arrogant toe-rag with snow white hair.

Huh, that sounded oddly familiar...

"I'd never go out with an arrogant toe-rag like him! He's nothing but a self absorbed prick!" Lily walked in red faced while Alice was trailing behind her.

Oh...that's where

"Lily, Alice, what are you two up to?" Aries asked as Mindy went and found an open booth, the three followed suit.

"Well, we came to go to Honeydukes, y'know, getting more acid pops. And then Potter shows up with his merry band of misfits!" Lily said exasperatedly.

"I don't think-"

Her Single Rose (Remus Lupin)Where stories live. Discover now