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It was officially the end of the week and Aries was about to take her exams. Both were being held in Professor Hardwin's classroom. This was great because Aries ladies week finished only a few hours ago and her body was happily healthy.

The first exam was Astronomy, the second exam was DADA.

Aries had made sure to study hard minutes before the exams, just in case.

"Miss Black, you may start when you are ready. Remember, you are only given the amount of time each student was given in their classes. You have an hour, finish early and you get to move on to the next exam." Professor Garrison announced to her.

Aries was handed her Astronomy exam, face down while a timer was placed on the front desk.

She chewed her lip as she took a breath and flipped her exam over. Relief had taken over the weight on her body when she realized she knew the first answer.

She went through the multiple pages of the exam and finished at the forty-five minute mark.

Aries was handed her DADA exam and began quickly. The answers coming to her head as she wrote them down without hesitation.

Some could say that she could just use her legilimency on the teacher and get an O on the test, but Dumbledore had made it extremely clear that she was not allowed to do so.

She quickly went through the exam as the timer continued to tick, her mind speeding through the test as her quil moved.

Aries paused, furrowing her brows quizzically at the last question. It wasn't necessarily a question that would be on a test.

"Professor Hardwin?" Aries called from the desk in the front row.

"Ten minutes, Miss Black." Hardwin responded as she continued to grade tests, Professor Garrison had taken her first exam back to his classroom for grading.

"I have a question, about what the last question is asking?" Aries commented.

"The last question? Which is..."

"In your own opinion, are werewolves good or bad?" Aries read aloud.

"Well, I believe the question is pretty much sounded out. Are werewolves good or bad?" She asked folding her hands in front of her on her desk.

"This is the kind of question that the ministry asked and set a law for. What good would asking this question do on an exam? Especially with the circumstance that not many have ever met a werewolf and thus rely on whatever the books say as their own opinion. In that case, asking this question would only entertain the point that our opinions on such a subject are not our own." She asked.

Professor Hardwin rolled her eyes, "there's no need to make a spectacle of it, just answer the question."

"How much is this question worth?" Aries asked.

"Five points." Professor Hardwin answered before going back to her grading.

Aries hesitated, not sure of what she was going to write. She thought multiple things about Werewolves.

They can be terrible creatures, hunting down people, going for blood, always leaving trails of fear. They were hungry for the fright of humans, eager to kill without hesitation.

On the flip side, they don't mean for anyone to get hurt. Their minds are not theirs, their thoughts are only set on one goal from animal instinct.

So Aries sufficed to put the answer she had already been thinking about. An answer that would probably get her a detention but she didn't care.

When it came to Werewolves, she was protective, not because of only Remus, but because of the other werewolves she had come across as a young child. It wasn't the first time Aries had planned on leaving.

Aries had tried an escape through the back door, it happened to be midnight and the moon was full, she was only ten at the time.

Seeing as she was almost attacked by a werewolf, Aries had taken it upon herself to learn how to turn into an animagus.

She wrote her answer within five minutes and handed it in to the Professor before picking up her bag and heading towards the door.

"Miss Black, you would've gotten full credit if it wasn't for your last answer. You have about ten minutes to change it." Hardwin warned.

Aries shook her head in response. "That answer is my opinion." She retorted before walking out of the classroom.


Remus looked up from his book as Aries sat in the armchair beside him in the library.

"How'd the exams go?" Remus asked, Aries had a smug grin on as she grabbed a book from her book bag, which happened to be the same Liam Handley book she had been rereading for the past month.

"I believe I aced my Astronomy exam." Aries answered as she unmarked her book after finding the chapter she left off on.

"And your DADA?" He asked skeptically.

Aries grin widened as she kept her eyes trained on her book, she heard Remus sigh.

"Mere, what did you do?" He asked giving her a look saying he was tired of the pranks but was about to be amused.

"You'll find out, for now, I'd like to know about that date." She said changing the subject quickly.

"Well, now that you're done with your exams, let's go." Remus stood up and held out his hand.

"Now?" Aries asked as she put her book in her book bag and took his hand.

"Yup." He said flatly, not giving anything more.

"And it's a surprise." Aries asked as Remus pulled her out of the library.

He only continued to guide her down the halls and soon out of the castle and towards the Black Lake.

It was officially hogsmeade weekend and of course that had been the date they agreed on. But Aries really wasn't expecting that he had finished planning everything already.

They continued walking down where not even Aries would've normally gone since it was more secluded from the school.

Aries was in awe as Remus led her over to it. A picnic blanket was laid out, it looked to be muggle type of blanket that had different pictures sewn into it. A bunch of food spread across it, but Aries noticed the pizza and s'mores first.

"Rem, this is..." she hadn't been on a proper date in forever. This much effort in the first, second ish, date led Aries to think only what another would bring. She was in shock of what he had done for her.

For her.

"I know it's not a lot-"

"It's perfect." Aries cut him off. A small smile took over her features as she looked over at Remus in adoration. "You did all of this, for me?" She asked.

He smiled, and nodded before sitting down and patting the spot beside him, motioning for her to sit.

"I was thinking we could go swimming after we're done eating and just talk." He started.

Go swimming...

"I got the house elves to make the food, plus this is the best spot to see the sunset..."

Swimming in the Black Lake...

"...I have to admit, I was a little nervous. I didn't know exactly what you liked, but I did know about the pizza and s'mores obsession. I guess this is what dates are for." He rambled.

I can't swim...


Hope you all are having a great summer!

Love you all! And thank you for 13k!

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