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"So tell me, what's got you so wrapped up on Thursday?" Remus asked, walking Aries to the library where she would be studying Arithmancy.

"I told you, I'm giving designs to gladrags." Aries shrugged, her hand wanting to scratch her wrist, though she fought the urge.

Remus shook his head and gently took her wrist pausing them both, he pulled up her sleeve slightly to show red scratch marks, "you only scratch when your nervous, and I'm betting you want to scratch now. What's going on?" The boy asked quietly, keeping his voice at ease though his eyes held a tinge of worry.

Aries quickly pulled her sleeve down and continued to walk while Remus followed, "nothings wrong, and I definitely don't scratch when I'm nervous. It must've been an allergic reaction to the food this morning." She sighed.

The chocolate brown haired boy shook his head once more, "you can't lie to me Aries, plus Dumbledore makes sure none of the students are allergic to the meals before they're even made. Is there something going on?" Remus asked as he looked at her.

"Do you need hel-"

"Remus!" Aries stopped abruptly causing the boy to stop as well, the girl sighed at his mindset. She hated that throughout their relationship before, he had to help her get through the worst parts of being a Black. And now he was worrying about her all over again making Aries feel somewhat guilty.

"Aries it feels like I got you back but you're not back." His words only made Aries feel that much worse about keeping secrets from him.

Aries eyes softened, her mind trying to come up with a way to show she was still the same girl he met on the train. The girl merely took his hand into hers and began pulling him towards the big castle doors leading them outside.

"Aries the library is the other direction." Remus sighed, confusion radiating off of him.

"We're not going to the library." Aries said simply, guiding them towards the Black Lake.

The two walked in silence, her hand sending warm shivers up his arm and letting butterflies loose in his stomach.

Once Aries lead them under the familiar tree, she put her backpack down and looked to him to do the same.

When Remus did, Aries sat down while the boy followed suit, "Rem, when we broke up I was devastated. I know it sounds stupid and ridiculous, seeing as I'm the one that broke it off, but I had to for the sake of keeping my life and keeping your reputation." Aries words brought Remus into more confusion.

"My mother found out about my past relationship with Fabian and our current one through Mindy. And she basically told me that I had to break off whatever we had and throw it away before the Rosiers found out. Especially because I was arranged to marry their son." Aries admitted. Remus sat in silence and furrowed eyebrows as he registered her words.

"So of course I did the only thing I had the power to do at that moment and chose to go safe instead of risky. I didn't want to break up with you, in fact, I-...I haven't felt this way about anyone before and I wanted to keep that. And now that I left my parents and I'm staying with the Potters for sometime, we can make it work." Aries said looking to him for any kind of emotion.

"I need you to know that I am back and you haven't lost me. I'm still that dork that reads Liam Handley books and happens to be rather talented in charms." Her words made Remus chuckle, the sound bringing Aries to smile.

"I'm glad you're out of that place and I'm definitely ecstatic to finally have you back, and with me, you just seemed a little off while we were talking is all. I just wanted to make sure you were alright." Remus spoke calmly, her words bringing him away from any uncertainty he had over their relationship.

"I'm am alright, and because I know how much you like romantic stuff..." Aries felt in her bag for a blade, pulling it out and showing Remus.

Remus raised a brow, a flash of worry coasting over his face from last time Aries was holding a blade, "we can carve our initials into the tree, you know, do the little heart thing I notice you do in your notebook during charms." Aries said pointing to the tree while Remus's skin faded red into a blush.

"You noticed that?" Remus asked, embarrassingly rubbing the back of his neck, his heart fluttering at how much she noticed and how much she cared.

Without hesitation, Remus had grasped the sides of Aries head and pulled her into kiss, one similar to the one they had shared back when Aries found the wolfsbane for him. It was filled with heart and swirling feelings that Remus had no idea what to do with.

Once the two had parted, Aries had a light blush on her cheeks and her eyes closed as a silly smile had taken over her soft red lips, "what was that for?" She asked lightly.

The boys forehead rested against hers as he merely whispered back, "You just being the amazing person you are. I have no idea how I got so lucky."


The rest of the day neither Aries nor Remus studied for Arithmancy and Astronomy like they said they would.

Instead the two carved their initials into the tree they had claimed as theirs and teased each other of how it was against the rules to vandalize private property, yet they did it anyway.

They read all the Liam Handley books Aries had brought and Remus made several failed attempts to get Aries in the water.

The day ended with a stolen kiss goodnight after a lengthy walk back to the castle, to the kitchen for dinner (which they had missed), and back down to the Slytherins common room, where Aries stayed awake till early morning with a goofy smile on her lips.


I'm back in business and even though I had a rough week of headaches and grieving, I'm better than ever and fighting through a buttload of homework.

Thanks for all of your patience! It was much needed! And thank you to those who messaged me during the week offering kind words and encouragement.

I'm very happy to hear that you all like my story and it gives me encouragement to write more.

Love y'all!


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