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Aries stood at the bottom of the bleachers and on the ground of the Quidditch Field. It was nearing the end of December and Marlene had finally convinced her to come to a Quidditch game.

She had been to Quidditch games before, and rather liked the sport, though getting hit by a stray bludger wasn't on her to-do list, causing her to stop coming to them in second year.

Now she was back and not exactly excited about it. Instead of knowing she'd be teased if she sat in the bleachers, she came in turn of Madame Pomfrey, to work in case of any injuries broke out.

"Do you always scowl when you come to these? Or is that just how you always look?" A voice startled her out of her thoughts.

She blushed slightly at the sight of Remus, they hadn't spoken much about the kiss or their date since they happened.

The kiss was great, she would never refuse that if it was offered again. But the date was slightly awkward, they didn't do much except go to hogsmeade to Madame Pudifoots.

It was uncomfortable and boring, she hadn't truly been on a real date, not even with Fabian. He was more like a complicated fling now that she thought of it. She didn't know how to do the whole dating thing or even how to start a conversation with him.

To be honest, she didn't really know a lot about him. That's what annoyed her the most. She was used to knowing things, planning things in advance, going through a schedule and being organized. The date was nothing of the sort and it made Aries slightly sad that it hadn't been that great.

"The last time I came here wasn't the best, I'm not exactly excited to be here." She shrugged still feeling rather snappish.

" I see it, you were the one that got hit by the bludger back in second year." He nodded as he realized. "A bunch of Slytherins tried to murder Sirius for that one." He said, shuddering slightly.

"So that was why he got kicked off the team." Aries rolled her eyes at the petty rules.

"And for the fact that he always got into fights with the opponents." Remus added.

The two shared a laugh before it turned slightly awkward once more.

Remus looked like he wanted to say something but his words were cut off by McGonagall. "Mr. Lupin, you are needed in the commentator booth. Ah Miss Black, now I see why Mr. Lupin is late." She winked at Remus who rolled his eyes.

A small grin on McGonagall's face as she walked away from the two.

"Looks like you should get going." Aries pointed out, though before she could go, he stopped her.

"Mere, I-..." he bit his lip nervously. "I don't care for how that first date went...I really-...I really like you and-...I wanna try again. I wanna make this work." He explained.

"Make, 'what' work?" She asked knowingly. All she wanted was for him to admit it, say it.

"Make us work, I really think we could be something." He said quickly, "and I..." he chuckled nervously. "I liked the kiss, a lot. And I'd-..I'd really like to do it again." He rubbed the back of his neck as he leaned from side to side.

His nerves weren't well hidden at all, but she liked that he at least said something. She liked that he wanted to try, attempt, maybe figure it out along the way.

Aries smiled as she looked at him, taking a step closer to bring herself on her toes and connected his lips.

He replied instantly, eager for her lips, desperate for another taste. He felt himself curling his hands around her lower waist as he kissed her deeply. He had never felt this way for anyone before and it scared him slightly. He had seen how his mother swooned for his father and how his father would be romantic and set up little dates when he was young.

Her Single Rose (Remus Lupin)Where stories live. Discover now