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Aries and Ben had been well on surprised when they walked into a snoozed and almost empty party. Honey and Marlene had been asleep on each other's shoulders while Lily and James were drunkenly slow dancing to a half asleep DJ.

Remus was near Honey and Marlene but on a separate loveseat. Peter and Lindsay were on the floor drowsily play cup pong while Alice and Frank were snogging in the corner of the room.

It had taken Aries and Ben a short amount of time to stifle their laughter at the tired party and even less time to convince the group to go up to bed.

Though, Aries and Ben seemed to be the only ones happy about not drinking much seeing as early the next morning, everyone had a ghastly hangover.

"Mar you have to get up, today we have to study for exams. The hardest ones, Arithmancy and Astronomy." Aries said as the girl grumbled.

"Stop speaking so loud, and go back to bed." The blonde growled, turning her head and flipping onto her stomach.

"I'm sure your night was fun with Sirius, but if you want to catch breakfast and do well with your exams-"

"Ugh, you sound like Lily." Marlene huffed, sitting up and getting out of bed.

Aries stuck her hands up in mock surrender, "you were the one that wanted to study, we have only three days before final exams." She shrugged, walking over to her dresser and pulled out her school uniform.

The girl quickly went into the bathroom to change, only then noticing the dark circles under her eyes. It seemed that all the studying, partying, and recent training from Dumbledore, was finally taking its toll.

In merely ten minutes Aries was changed with her hair and makeup done, making herself look as if she had been relaxing all week.

Marlene eyes Aries rolled up skirt, "you really think McGonagall will let you run around with your skirt that short?" She raised her brow, "are you trying to show off a little curvy curve to Mr. Gryffindor out there" The blonde smirked.

"I haven't an idea of what you're talking about." Aries shook her head, though her mischievous grin gave her tone away in obvious sarcasm.


Marlene didn't take long to change either, and after doing their final check did they notice a certain Slytherin wasn't in the dorm. The girls had simply shrugged the thought of Mindy away and left their dorm for the Great Hall.

"So do tell, are you and Remus really back together?" Marlene asked as the girls wondered into the Hall and took their respective seating at the Slytherin table.

"Well, it hasn't really been made official...I know for a fact we both have feelings for each other, but we haven't exactly talked about that yet." Aries shrugged, though a smile slowly took over her pink lips, "and how about you? What are you and Sirius?" She asked slyly.

Marlene's eyes widened and a frantic shush sent Aries into silence, "Don't talk about that out loud." She scolded the girl, glancing in the Prewett twins direction.

Aries soon caught on, a sigh escaping her lips as her head hit her hand, "you're still with Gideon?! I thought you two broke up at the game yesterday." She hissed quietly.

"Well, I was going to. But it was never the right time." Marlene whispered.

"I think anytime now would be the right time, seeing as you just slept with Sirius, my brother." Aries said sharply.

"I just don't know which guy to choose, Gideon...he's sweet, kind, you know, the soft kind of guy. And then there's Sirius...the rebel, the hot guy with a motorcycle, he makes me feel giddy, thrilled, happy. I just feel stuck and I don't want to hurt anyone." Marlene breathed.

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