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You're beautiful, so I can imagine.

Those stupidly kind words had been swirling in Aries mind for the past few days, whether it was wondering during classes or tutoring. James had yet to catch on, but she was rather distracted sometimes during their sessions.

She had used her make up kit to cover the bruises that had still been present on her body and used her lotion to keep her skin soft. The long pink scar from the week before were healing well, but the memory of that day made Aries sigh.

She thought she was over it, the scratching. And whenever she thought of it Aries would look in the mirror. Every time she would look at specific bruises on her body she would feel pained, remembering what had happened.

But when she replayed Lupins words over and over in her head, a smile would always fall over her expression, no matter how she had been feeling previously.

"Mere, Mere, Meredith..Aries..." Lily's hand waved in front of the girls face.

"Sorry, what's up." Aries shook out of her daze and glanced back toward Lily and Alice. The four had decided on a picnic by the black lake since Saturday had arrived. Marlene had stripped and already jumped into the black lake for a cold swim.

"Whats been on your mind? You've been cold turkey for days now." Lily asked making Alice and Aries give her a strange look.

"Did you just call me a...turkey?" Aries asked with confusion written all over her face.

Lily giggled, "it's an expression, like raining cats and dogs." Aries brow furrowed deeper at that.

Alice shook her head, "I think what Lily is trying to say is, you've been quiet. More than usual."

"And daydreaming." Lily added.

"It's only because she had a little conversation with Remus Lupin a few days ago." Marlene walked over with a towel tied around her.

Alice and Lily stopped what they were doing and looked eyes wide at Aries for confirmation while the girl glared at Marlene.

"You little spy." Aries prepared herself as the Gryffindors shrieked.


"I KNEW it!"


"He's been checking you out ever since school started!"

Aries rolled her eyes at her friends and merely shrugged, "he did and I said no."

The three stared speechless at the raven haired girl before Marlene gained her tongue.

"Why in Salazars name WOULD YOU DO SUCH A BLOODY DUMB THING!" Marlene stood back up bringing Aries with her.

"You know I can't-"

"Rubbish." Alice shook her head.

"Pardon?" Aries furrowed her brow at her brunette friend.

"Rubbish." Alice stood with Lily, "you deserve love and Remus is the perfect man for you Aries." The raven haired girl stilled slightly at the use of her first name. She could see how much Alice meant her words.

"You keep saying you can't and that it just won't work. But I think that's the biggest load of crap I have ever heard. You both have too much in common and have flirted indirectly for too long to say it won't work." Lily agreed.

Aries gave Marlene a look, but her friend shook her head, "I understand you're scared of what your parents will do when they find out, but isn't that just all the more reason for you to leave?"

Her Single Rose (Remus Lupin)Where stories live. Discover now