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"Tonight, we have two new transfer students! I would like you all to welcome our newest witches from Beauxbaton Prep Academy!" Professor Dumbledore announced during Dinner.

Aries didn't pick up her head, in fact she didn't even move in the slightest. She normally dozed off during the first years sorting ceremony and then came back once food appeared. Why would two new transfers be any different?

"Mindy Farfield and Honey Decker!" Aries head snapped up at one of the names. Her eyes widening as she looked towards the door.

"Salazar, this isn't possible."Aries couldn't believe her eyes.

"You know either of them? Decker was said to be a bit famous on the Muggle world, Farfields not very well known, both came from Beauxbatons though. She's a quarter Veela." Marlene explained.

Honey sat upon the stool as the sorting hat was placed on her head. A quiet moment took place until the hat finally announced.

"GEYFFINDOR!" The entire table cheered as Honey walked over with a small smile. Her blonde hair permed since last time Aries had seen her. Well, last time she had seen Honey was when they were nine, they had both changed since then.

The faint disappointment feigned on Aries lips before the Veela took a seat on the stool.

The hat barely got five inches from her head before screaming.


Our table erupted with cheers as Aries raised her brow in interest, most of the people that were chose that quickly, were one of the special.

"Hey Farfield, come sit." Aries said waving over the girl, the brunette wore her hair down in waves, her robes being black without any of the house colors on it. She looked a little younger than Aries herself. Maybe a third or fourth year.

Her stiletto black heels clicked the ground with every step, her head held high with dangling silver earrings shining in every which way.

This was the type of poise, concentration, obedience, and solitude Aries mother had only dreamed Aries had.

Though the dark haired girl didn't mind, if she was replaced by someone, hell Aries would celebrate.

"I'm Mindy." The girl said once she sat down.

"Aries Black." She introduced herself.

"Marlene McKinnon." Marlene said with a small smile.

"So, what exactly do you do for fun around here?" Mindy asked making Aries pause forking her steak.

A mischievous grin became aware to Marlene as she sighed.

"Great, you've awaken Black Hearts." Marlene grimaced.

"Pardon?" Mindy asked intently.

"Black Hearts. Just a nickname. First year, Aries went on a complete prank high, every week something would happen, good or bad. Don't get me wrong, they were all hilarious and completely absurd, but mostly harmless. Mostly." Marlene explained, ending slightly annoyed.

"I like what I'm hearing, tell me more." Mindy smirked.

"How come you're here at Hogwarts? I thought, well, all veelas went to Beauxbaton." Aries asked.

"Most of them do. I for one, didn't have a choice to leave or stay, I got kicked out. Apparently if you've set free enough chocolate frogs in the headmasters bedroom and poison half the breakfast meals, it's classified as assault." Mindy shrugged.

Marlene scoffed, "I think you just met your match Meredith." She shook her head.

"Meredith is my middle name, I go by that." Aries explained seeing the look of confusion appear on Mindys face, "It keeps the thought of my bloody mother out of my head when I don't have to hear the name she yells at me at home with." She shrugged.

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