chapter 3

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Lauren's pov

I seen my brother and Lea arrive back at her house. I grab a poster board and give her simple instructions. Once they were in the house I close my Curtain and look back at Camila and Lily who are on the bed.

"Is she asleep?" I ask and Camila nodded.

" I'm going to take a shower." She said and walked over to my closet and got out some clothes.

"Why do you wear my
stuff." I asked as she grabbed a large hoodie and some shorts.

"Because they keep me warm." She smiled and  bit her lip. I walked closer to her and my hands On her hip.

"I think I need a shower too." I smile and lick my lips looking down at hers. I heard her breath hitch and her eyes widened.

"Lauren!" I heard someone yell from the hall. I smirked and pull away from from Camila. I walked into the hall and seen Chris running in and out of his room.

"What are you doing here?" I asked.

"I came to get some clothes." He told me.

"Why the hell do you need clothes?" I ask him and he shakes his head.

"Lo shes not one of those girls, I really like her." He said and I smiled  and rolled my eyes at the same time.

"Ok well l, tell me what happened." He told me about the date and about how he was staying over at her house and not to tell mom and dad. I agreed and walked back in my room.

I grabbed two bikinis and walked into the bathroom. I threw one in the shower and Camila squealed.

"Put the bikini on Camila." I said stripping my clothes applying the swimsuit.

"What Lauren no get out of here!" She yelled.

"Camila you have 30 seconds before I open this Curtain. 1....2.....3......"

"Ok ok fine ." I heard her shifting In the shower then the curtain opened.

"What do you want." She asked. I stepped in the shower and she could not help but stair at my body.

"I just needed to take a shower know save water." I smile innocently.

She looked at me for a second and nervously played with her fingers. I stepped closer and she quickly turned around and cleared her throat.

"So are you done interrogating your brothers girlfriend?" She asked and I giggled.

"Yeah now that I know why she bruises like she dose." I say

"What's wrong with her?" She asked.

I explained everything and Camila stayed quite.

"Whats going to happen to Lily?" She asked.

"Well she would have to go into foster care or into the system." I said and she slowly nodded her head.

"But I promised Lea that wouldn't happen." I told and she turned around and wrinkled her eyebrows.

"How are you going to stop this?" She asked. I took her hands into mine and looked into her eyes.

" I kinda signed a paper that said we would take her." She snatched her hand away and moved back.

"We?" She asked and I nodded my head.

"Lauren. Why would you do that. I can't take care of a kid let alone my self. What gives you the right to put my name on that paper. I'm not ready for any of this. Your not my boyfriend so stop trying to act like it." She yelled and stepped out of the shower. I tried  to grabbed her hand but she jerked it away and quickly left the bathroom.

Am I ready (Camren) CompletedWhere stories live. Discover now