Chapter 8

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Laurens pov

Camila's dad and sister came to see us and all he really wanted to tell Camz was that he was divorcing her mom and supported us in our decisions.

Its been two weeks since Camila and I had our voyage together. I can't believe that I can actually call her mine. Right now we are all back in LA before we start  the tour with Austin.

"Mama can we get ice cream?" Lily asked. Her eyes sparkled with the thought of the frozen treat.

" I guess but get your sun glasses and a light jacket. " I told her she clapped her hands and nodded. I slid off the couch that Camila and I were cuddling on and kissed her head. I tucked the blanket around her and she smiled in her sleep.

I heard a knock  and walked over revealing a girl that looked to be about 22-23 years old.  She had curly Brown hair that fell to her shoulder blades and deep blue eyes. Her skin was lightly tan against the baby blue t shirt she was wearing with some jean shorts and flip flops.

"Hi, can I help you?"  I asked.
"Um.. I guess I'm looking for Lily Sims. " she said smiling.

"I'm sorry but who are you?" I asked confused.

"MAMA I CAN'T FIND MY SHOES!"Lily yelled and I laughed.

"Ill be right there sweetheart." I told her and chuckled. The lady in front of me smiled at Lilys voice and she tried to look around me into the house.

"Who are you?' I asked.

"I'm Jennifer.. Lily's Mom."  She told me. I shook my head and closed the door behind me stepping Onto the porch.

"Why are you here?" I asked.

"I don't mean anything behind this visit, I just wanted to see her." I shook my head no but the door opened and Lily came running out side.

"Mama I fount my flip flops." she yelled and I picked her up she hugged my neck and I kissed her head. I tried to get her back in the house before she seen our new company but it was to late. She turned around and smiled at Jennifer but kept her grip on me.

"Hi". Lily whispered out.

"Hey little brat." The girl laughed and so did Lily.

"Mama can I hug
her. "Lily asked. I can't tell her no because it is her mom.

"Of course." I told her and passed her to Jennifer.

"I missed you. "Jen told her.

"I missed you too." Lily said they pulled apart and Jennifer sat down against the railings of  the porch.

"Lily I have a question and its all up to you and what you want. I haven't talked this over with Lauren yet but I'll take my chances." Jennifer told her.  I knew where this was going so I picked Lily up and walked back to the house setting her down and closing the door.

"Whats your question?  Because if you want to see her from time to time that's fine but I'm not letting you keep her." I told her.

"I have a court order document that says I can take her without her permission. " she says.

"Your not taking her. I was told all of the things you did to her and it will be over my dead body that you get her back!" I yelled. She shrugged and handed me the papers.

"Now please give me my little girl". She told me.

"No! You don't know anything about her! Where were you when Lea died? Where were you when she cried her self to sleep.  Where where you when she finally became happy again?  Where were you when this child became mine. She is my heart and soul. She is the only thing I care about other that my friends. She is my will power to keep going. She has had people walk out of her life and I will not be one of them.  So I Suggest you take your papers and get out of here.  You neglected her most of her life and I will not give you a chance!" I yelled. She smirked and grabbed the papers.

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