chapter 2

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Leas pov.

I woke up the next morning very week. I did not want to move but I am not just going to sit down and let my life pass by. I look in my arms and Lily is fast asleep. I kiss her head and roll over and see Lauren holding Camila. I feel so bad for what happened last night I have to talk to her now that I have calmed down. I get up and walk into the bathroom. I look in the mirror and I look so pale. I brush my hair and Put on some makeup just to make my self look lively.  I walk out of the bathroom and see that Lauren had rolled over and was now hugging Lily. I sat on a stool by the island and read the text messages on my phone.

Chris Jauregui: Thanks for coming over last night that was really fun.... I was wondering If you had any plans tonight, maybe we can go to the movies, or just a walk in the park.

Me: I do believe that Chris Jauregui just asked me out on a date. Is this correct? And yes I would love to, But I don't have anyone to watch Lily maybe we can make it some other time.

I  sent the message smiling like a Idiot. I bit my lip and closed my eyes and chuckled.

"Someone is happy, whats up?" I look over and I see Camila looking at me.

"Hi good morning.... um... Can i offer you something to eat or drink?" I ask her she sits down  beside me in the chair.

"Orange juice?" She asks squinting her eyes.

"Absolutely." I get out two glasses and poured some juice.

"You just got a text do you want me to read it to you?" She asked.

"No.." I start

"O my god!" I turn around and she ran into the living room with my phone. I quickly follow her and she jumps on Lauren.

 "Lo wake the Hell up now." Camila bent down  so she could look straight into her eyes. Lauren rolled to where she was on her back and opened her eyes.

"Well good morning.... What happened to personal space." Lauren asked rubbing her eyes.

"It died a long time ago.... Lauren your brother just asked Lea out on a date." I turn bright read from embarrassment I quickly got my phone and walk back into the kitchen and set down at the counter. Even if I wanted to go on a date with him all I would be doing is hurting him in the long run..the day after Christmas's is all the time I have and yesterday was thanksgiving.

From Chris Jauregui: Yea that's fine but Camila just texted me and told me that she would watch her for a few hours so If you change your mind let me know.

"Lea?" I hear Lauren call from the other room.

"I"m in the kitchen." I yelled and when she entered she pulled me into a hug.

"I know that you want to say yes but your holding your self back, Chris is strong just tell him what's up and I'm sure he won't let you go through this process alone. And You should go. You know that we can find someone to watch Lily." She smiled and pulled away.

"Thanks but... Ok you know what I'll go" I smiled  She squealed and gave me a hug.

"MOMMY CAMILA IS EATING ME!" I heard Lily yell from the living room. Lauren and I Laughed and when we walked in We seen Camila on top of her giving her kisses and Lily couldn't stop laughing.

"Camz Leave the poor child alone!" Lauren yells laughing at the sight.

"But I love her!" Camila said and and got off of Lily. Lily stood up and hugged Camila.

"And I love you too!" She let go and ran to me hugging me.

"PANCAKES!" She yelled and drug me to the kitchen. She grabbed she step stool and got out a bowel and the milk.

Am I ready (Camren) CompletedWhere stories live. Discover now