chapter 23

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Lily's pov.

When I woke up I was in my room with arms around me.

"DJ?" I said and heard a sigh and arms wrapped around me tighter. I smelt vanilla and I knew is was in the safest arms in the world.

"Mama!" I yelled and rolled over and hugged her close. I sobbed into her arms. She repeated that she loved me and I was safe. I settled into embrace and I sobbed realizing that I was home. But soon that feeling faded and I stood up from the bed.

"I cant be here." I said and Lauren tried to pull me back to her but I backed away.

"NO!" I yelled and I could see the hurt in her eyes.

"I should have never yelled for you." I said and started to cry.

"I need to do whats best for Kaylee." I said and sprinted down the stairs tell I ran into a small figure.

"Ouch!" She yelled and I looked down and seen Kaylee on the floor. Gosh has she grown so much. I helped her up not saying a word because I didn't want her to know it was me.

"Lily?" She said and I snatched my hand away and walked to the door.

"LILY NO!" She yelled and attempted to run to me but fell down not realizing there was a toy there.

"I sorry please no leave me." She said and it broke my heart seeing her cry but I had to do what was best for her. I turned for the door before I felt a hand on my shoulder.

"Don't do this Lily." I turned around and seen Camila standing by me.

"Don't leave. Take me with you. I sorry you mad at me!" Kaylee yelled and I shook my head. I cant leave her like this.

I picked her up and kissed her head as she held on to me tight. She was screaming into my chest and I realized that this is all my fault.

"I'm not going any were Kk. I'm here." I felt arms wrap around us and knew the girls are here but I knew one was missing.

"Mom?" I said but no one answered. I shook everyone off and stood up.

"She's in your room." Camila told me taking Kaylee from my arms. I ran up the stairs and heard soft cry's coming from my room.

"But mom I screwed everything up! I pushed her away and now I lost her for good. What if I do this to Kaylee, I can't lose her to." Lauren sobbed into the phone. I sighed and seen Lauren nod.

"Yeah I love you too. Bye." She slowly hung up the phone and pulled my cover on to her lap. She picked it up and held it over her mouth as she sobbed into it. I didn't mean to hurt her I just wanted to do what was right. I walked over to her and she looked up at me. She didn't give me a chance to say any thing she pulled me straight into her lap and held me close.

"I'm so sorry baby girl I didn't mean to do that to you. I really do love you." She said and I nodded.

"I know mom and I'm sorry for running away like that." She nodded then I felt the change in her mood.

"Lily what did he do to you?" She asked and I looked down.

"Can you just hold me and tell me everything will be ok?" She nodded and I let silent tears fall down my face.

"You have to go to the doctor." She said and I shook my head.

'I'm not hurt just sore." She shook her head and put her hand on my knee.

"Lily if he touched you in any way you have to go. Its not your fault that that happened you are a child he is a grown man." I nodded and looked down.

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