chapter 20

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No ones pov.

Camila was standing in the bathroom looking down at her now flat stomach. She flipped the blade around in her fingers before she ran  her fingers across the sharp edges. She lost her child because she was simply to week to carry it. Lauren refused to acknowledge the passing of their daughter and secluded her self from everyone but Lily.

All the pain of  losing everyone around her came crashing down around her. Camila had nothing to live for she drew the blade over her skin tell she fell weak. She thought if leaving the world one way or another and nothing was stopping that.

"Mommy. " she muffled a sob as the blood trickled down her arms.

"Mama I loooovvvveee you." The child giggled then knocked on the door.

"Mommy?" She didn't say anything she just sat there.

"Mommy!" Lily yelled and began to sob. Camila couldn't leave her. The thought of hurting her was almost unbearable.

Camilas pov

"Mommy!" I opened my eyes and seen Lily sitting over me on the bed.

"Why are you crying? " she said and wiped the tears away. I looked down and seen my now 32 weak pregnant belly. I took a deep breath and sat up pulling Lily into my arms.

"I'm fine baby. " I kissed her head and was honestly over joyed that was a dream.

"Why are you crying?" She asked again. I sighed and stood up.

"I just had a bad dream but you saved me." I told her and she smiled wide and I laughed.

"Where's your mom at?' I asked and she pulled me out of the room.

"Did you forget what today is?" She asked and frown appeared on her face. Today was her birthday of course I couldn't forget. I carefully bent down so I was level with her and pushed her hair behind her ear.

"I could never forget birthday girl." She smiled and I kissed her head turning to grab her hand.

"Now lets go find mom and see what she is doing." I said as we walked down stairs. Dinah was on the couch watching fifty shades of gray as we came around the corner there was a full on sex seen on display.

I pulled Lily back behind the wall and covered her eyes.

"DINAH JANE THERE IS A CHILD IN THE HOUSE!" she laughed and turned off the tv right as Lily broke away from my grip.

"DJ!" she yelled and jumped into her arms. The two of them have became so close lately that its kinda making me and Lauren jealous.

"Happy birthday baby blue." She said and kissed her head. Lily wrinkled her nose and put her head on Dinah's shoulder.

"Thanks Dj." She said and hugged her.

I walked in the kitchen and seen Lauren sitting on the stool playing with her hands.

"Morning baby." I said and kissed her neck. She grabbed my arms and held them close.

"Hello beautiful." She said. I twisted the chair so I could sit on her lap and she wrapped her arms protectively around me.

"So I don't want you to get mad but... I got lily something extra." She told me and I looked at her with a soft smile.

"Lauren why on earth would I get mad at you, Its not like you bought her something that could hurt her." I said and her smile faded and she looked down.

"Lauren Michelle what did you do!" I said and she stood up grabbing my hand taking me to the back yard.

"So do you remember the discussion about the trampoline?" She asked me and I softly nodded.

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