chapter 1

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Lea's pov.

I walk down the empty halls of my new school. Making this move by my self is so hard especially with Lily. My mom calls every day to check on me. She tells me that she misses me and that she hopes I'm safe. That was the one reason I did not want to leave. Lily's mom has been in a abusive relationship ever since Lily was 2. I told her when I turned 18 that that little girl would be mine, I had her all the time anyway. Every school day. Weekend. Holiday. Birthday. Everything.

So when I turned 18 I took her to court and told her when she can prove that she is in a safe home and environment, with a steady income. She can try to get her back.... instead she just signed over her rights. She told me that Lily deserved a mother who loved her unconditionally, someone that could protect her. She said that Lily was meant to be with me. I mean hell she called me mom and mommy more than she did her. I told her that I could never take Lily out of her life and if she ever wanted to see her to just call... but I moved from LA to Miami. My parents Owned a big factory so we have lots of money. But I don't like to rely on them for everything. I work on the weekends to pay for my stuff even though they keep 3.1 million dollars in my check account at all times.

I walk into my first class that is AP math.

"You must be Lea its very nice to meet you please take the seat by Mr. Jauregui." He points to a dark haired boy with green eyes. He is cute. I have blonde hair and bright blue eyes I am small but don't let that full you I'll  kick your ass real quick if you mess with me.

I sat down and smiled. He smiles back and takes a piece of paper out of his bag.
I listen to Mr. Built taking note and and listening to his stories but... He looks like a leprechaun. She is short and round with red hair.

I felt someone poke my shoulder and I looked over  and see the boy smiling. He pokes his finger down on a piece of paper.

"Hi I'm Chris, welcome to this hell whole." I smile and write back.

"Hello Chris I am Lea... dose he always smell like cheese?" I ask referring to the teacher.

He laughs
"All the time." The bell rings and we all stand up to leave.
"Well Lea it was very nice to meet you... where is your next class?" He asks. I blush and smile.
"AP physics. " I answered shyly.
"Me to let me see your schedule. " I hand it to him and he smiles.
"Looks like I can walk you to every class." He says handing me the paper.
"What do you mean... you think that it is that easy to become my friend." I say cocking a eye brow..

"Don't flatter your self we have the same classes... and friends wow that moved quickly. " he smiled taking my hand pulling me out of the class and down the hall to physics.

"If you would like you can sit with me in all the classes you know because we are friends and all." He smiles. Why dose he make me blush so much.

" Hmmm I don't know Jauregui don't you have other friends." I ask. "Not as cute as you... I mean yea sorry". He looks away embarrassed.

"Its OK I would love to sit with you." I say taking his hand dragging him into a seat.


I think I can get use to the sitting by Chris.

After the final bell rings I walk out the school doors and towards my house.

"Hey stranger where you heading?" I turn around and see Chris.

"Are you stocking me?" I ask in a playful manner.

" Nope just going home." He smiles.

"Me to ." I smile.

"Well can I do you the honor of walking you home." He asked bowing.

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