Chapter 22

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Lilys pov.

My sister has always been my number 1 concern. I love her so much but all I am doing is hurting her by staying there. As I walk up to this house I held my breath and prepared my self for whats so come. I know that Lauren would never look here and that's for the best. I know she loves me but she has to put me aside, like she has already. I walk up the familiar path and seen empty bear cans and bottles tossed everywhere. The first step still creaks when you step on it. I laughed at all of the good memories that I had in the front yard. I can still see the toy house with all of my dolls sitting in the chair having a tea party. I knocked on the door and pretty much regretted coming here but its all for my sister.

I heard stumbling inside and some stuff knock over. I guess some things never change. The front door opened and there stood the man that I have fought to stay away from.

"What do you want?" He slurred. He answered the door in boxers and a band tied around his arm. I took a deep breath and squeezed my eyes shut.

"I- I came back." I said and a smile spread across his face. I could already tell he was planing ways to hurt me but this time I was ready for it. There is NOTHING he can do that he hasn't done before. He grabbed me by the shoulder and pulled me into the house. After the door slamed shut fear ran down my spine.

"Let me have the bag." HE said and I pulled it closer to me and shook my head.

"This is all I have please don't do this to me." I said and he tried to snatched it out of my hands. I held onto it tight and he shook his head.

"Your going to fight me?" He yelled. I shook my head and when he tugged at the bag I let it go. He sat on the couch as I stood on the floor and watched him empty everything out. He grabbed the throw over blanket and tossed it at me. HE threw my clothes in a corner. He reached in and grabbed Kaylee's bunny that I took with me to remember that I was here so she could be better.

"Whats this?" he asked and I looked at the bunny and tears fel down my eyes.

"The reasin I came back." He looked at the stuffed bunny and nodded. He threw it at me and I sighed in relief.

"There are new rules this time. what is at your feet you can keep. What is in the corner you burn." I shook m head and gave him a weird look.

"But then I have no clothes." I said and he nodded.

"Whores don't need clothes."

Laurens pov.

"LILY!" Kaylee yells as she figures out that Lily isn't coming back. Its been three days and my heart is shattered. This is all my fault if I would have helped her we would all be happy. We ha e filed several police reports but  no one is really willing to help us.

"I sorry Lily please come back!" Kaylee yelled. She was sobbing into Camila's chest as I patted her back. She hasn't stopped asking for her for days and she refuses to fall asleep unless she has something of Lilys.

"Bump calm down please your going to get sick." I told her but she let out a gurgling cry.

"She left me. I didn't mean to run into her I promise." Kaylee said remembering the last  interaction she had with her older sister.

"I know baby and trust me she's not mad at you she loves you very much." Camila told her but she shook her head.

"No mommy she gone and I miss her.". I went to Kaylee's room and grabbed Mila monkey. I looked down at the small monkey and I cant believe that this is all I have left of Lily. I remember the day we got it for her she was so happy to go to the mall and Camila agreed to buy her anything she wanted and she only wanted this monkey.. And once Camila left that was all Lily had of her. she named her Mila monkey. She has slept with it for the past 4 years. When we lost it at the air port when she first met the girls was scary because that was her favorite thing and she never left with out it. There are so many memories wrapped up in this small stuffed animal.

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