chapter 19

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Camila's pov.

It was 2 in the morning and Regina finally fell asleep. Milika agreed to let us have Regina for the week but Dinah had to help because she knew the most about babies. Lauren flopped on the bed and berried her face in the pillows groaning.

"I'm so sleepy." she said and I laughed. I pulled up the blankets and climbed under them. Lauren joined me and pulled my back close to her.

"How are you feeling? She asked and I shrugged.

"MY feet are swollen, my head hurts and I'm starting to cramp." I said and she laughed. She rubbed my stomach and started poking at Kaylee.

" Lauren please stop I want to get some sleep and I can't do that when she's up kicking". I said and she huffed.

"Whatever Camila." she said and pulled away from me.

"Lauren don't be so hard headed you don't understand. Why are you so mad?' I asked and she blew up.

"Because I wanted to have some type of relationship with the kid but I can't do that when she's not mine. She is yours and Austin's, and why am I blowing up? Ha because you cheated do you really think that I can forgive you so easy? Do you really think that I can forget that?" she said and stood up.

"where are you going?" I asked and she spun around and grabbed her keys.

"Away from you!" she said and I looked at her panicked.

"You walk out that door and you will never have a thing to do with me or this baby." I told her and her body tensed.

"She's just going to grow up like you, she'll turn into a damn WHORE!" she yelled leaving me alone in the room. I started shaking and crying and hid my self in the pillow.

"Camila wake up! Camila I'm not playing!" MY eyes shot open and I clung to Lauren's shirt. Why did that seem so real every little detail was perfect to make it real.

"Calm down are you ok?" I nodded and held her tight. I looked at the clock and seen that it was 2 am just like in my dream. I calmed down and wiggled out of Lauren's arms.

"I- I um I have to go pee." I said and ran to the bathroom. Would she really leave me? Was this what was to come? I reached in the cabinet and grabbed Advil to make my head stop hurting but the that taught was still there.

"Camila are you ok?" I didn't answer her because I was still on the brink of tears. She jiggled door but it didn't open.

"Camila answer me now! " she scraim but I still didn't talk. She pounded on the door and I realized the flashback I was having when we were on the tour bus when I locked my self in the bathroom. I opened the door and seen Lauren with a panicked look on her face.

"Don't do that!" she said and pulled me close to her. I hugged her back and a small cry came from the monitor by the bed.

" I'll get her." I said and walked out of the room. I walked over to the small crib and picked up the child who stopped crying when I picked her up. I changed her diaper and made her a bottle because she was probably hungry. I sat in the chair next to the crib and waited till she was done and burped her. She started to fuss but I rocked her up and down and patted her butt as she instantly fell asleep. I tucked the small child in the blanket and walked back to my room where Lauren was just sitting there staring at nothing.

"I'm sorry for scaring you." I said and she nodded and held out her arms so I could sit on her lap and I rested my head on her shoulder.

"One day my life changed. I met the girl of my dreams and somehow I hurt her along the way. But in the end I am sitting here holding her and our unborn child in my arms. I wonder if she knows how much I love her. Her deep brown eyes are better than Charlie's chocolate factory and her brown hair is better than any running river in the world. Her personality is caring and she doesn't want to hurt anyone. But I wish she would let me in on what she sees because I would fight the world for her." She turned me around and I looked at her as if she just said the most beautiful thing in the world.

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