chapter 12

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Laurens pov.

The girls are finally home and I needed to talk to Dinah. Camila should be home anytime and I need to plan this before she gets here.

"Dinah?" I said knocking on her door. I opened it and she was on her phone. She smiled and sat up.

"Hey Lo what's up?' She asked. I smiled and walked over to her bed and sat down.

"I officially want to ask Camila to Marry me." I smiled and she sat up and grinned from ear to ear.

"Ok when do you want to ask her?" She asked me and I smiled.

"Tomorrow. I want to do it in front of you and the girls so she Is caught off guard. " I said and she smiled.

"I can't believe-"

"Lauren." I turned around and seen Camila standing in the door with tears running down her face.

"O my gosh what's wrong?" I asked quickly getting to her side. I tried to reach for her but she pushed me away.

"What's wrong?" I asked and more tears came down her face.

"We need to talk." She said and walked down the stairs. I looked at Dinah and she looked just as confused as I did. I followed her into the back yard and she stood just off of the cement sidewalk .

"I don't know how to tell you this but first I need you to know that I really do love you. I really want to be with you and only you. I tried to stop it but after a while I couldn't ". She started to sob and I stepped closer to her and she took a step back.

"Lauren I slept with Austin." My heart broke in a million pieces and a emotion I have never felt before took over my body.

"Why didn't you stop?" I asked stepping towards her and she didn't move.

"I told him no. That it was wrong and that I was with you." She said but I cut in.

"HE RAPED YOU?!" I Yelled and she shook her head.

"No. I told him to stop and he didn't. But I guess I let it continue I don't know I blacked out. After the first kiss I pulled away. I said no. Then he kissed me again and I couldn't push back so I gave in hoping he would stop. I kissed back because it was my only way out. Then he kissed my neck. I told him to stop but I started to get lost. Then he took off my shirt and I said it was wrong. But he kissed me not hearing a thing I said. Then he inserted him self and I told him to stop but I let it happen. Lauren I'm so sorry." She said and I seen the genuine hurt on her face. But I was mad at her but at the same time she really didn't want it. I stepped towards her and hugged her.

" I love you Camila. And that will never change. But I need some time. I can't be in a relationship with you right now but I am your best friend and if you need anything. I'm here. But not for a few days. I am going to take Lily and go visit my family for a few days. I need time to process
this." I told her and she pulled me tighter. I kissed her head and she let out a choking sob.

"Please don't leave me. " she whispered.

" I just need time. " I told her and she nodded. I took her hand and led her back in the house. I called the airport and my flight was at 8 tomorrow morning. I walked down the hall and Lily's room was open. I stopped and seen Camila sitting on the edge of the bed and she was playing with Lily's hair and kissed her head. Camila's hair was wet so she must have just gotten out of the shower. I walked back into Dinah's room and broke down. She pulled me to her and I cried for a hour. I told her everything and she Just let me scream over and over.

"I don't want to loose her but she cheated." I sobbed.

"But like you said she tried to stop it and we all know how it is after a certain point. Your body tells you one thing but your head tells you another." I nodded and eventually calmed down. I went to my room and packed my things. Then went to Lily's room and packed some of hers. I walked down stairs and seen Camila on the couch sleeping. I walked over to her and she was freezing. I sighed and picked her up brought her into our room. I covered her up with the blanket and something caught my eye. I looked at her wrist under the long sleeved shirt and there were several fresh cuts. I let a tear fall down my face and laid down next to her.

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