chapter 26

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Camila's pov.

Today is the day I get to go home and hopefully this time I don't screw anything up. Its been three weeks since I have seen the girls or my kids. Lauren has gone home but has came back every night after they are asleep you make sure I was ok and that I wasnt alone. I hate being in here But I'm scared to leave. I know I need help but can you see the headlines? Fifth harmony's Camila Cabello sent to rehab for self harm. How would I explain that to my family?

 "Camz are you ready?" Lauren said sitting on the bed next to me. I nodded and leaned into her shoulder. I took a deep breath and she held me by my waist.

"Talk to me." Lauren said I nodded.

"Do you think that there is something wrong with me?" I asked her and she shook her head.

"No there is nothing wrong with you but I do think that you need some kind of help." She told me and I nodded.

"Do you think the kids will forgive me?"I asked and she gave me a soft smile.

 "They can't stay mad at you and they really miss you. Kaylee asks about you all the time. She mainly wants to know if she was the reason you left." I nodded and sighed.

"Whats wrong with me? Why do I run when things get hard?" I whispered and she stood up pulling me with her.

 "I dont know but I will make it a point to tell you every day that I love you. Your not insane but we need to get the problem that you do have under control. Because I can't lose you." She told me and kissed my head.


 When I got home Kaylee was asleep and the girls were down stairs. I gave them a soft smile and they shook there heads. Not as in I shouldn't be there but as in disappointment. I walked up to Lily's room and opened the door she was sitting on the edge of the bed playing with her wrist.

"Monkey. " I said and she looked in my direction and her mouth dropped."Mom? Mom!" She yelled and ran into me hugging me. she cried. A little but never let up on her tight hug. "I'm sorry." She told me and I kissed her head.

"You don't need to be sorry baby girl you did absolutely nothing wrong." I told her but she shook her head.

"No. I heard you tell me you were leaving but I didn't stop you. I could have stopped you." She told me and I sighed. I walked us over to the bed and and sat her down beside me.

"Honestly you couldn't have stopped me. There was nothing that could of." I told her and she nodded.

"You hurt me again. But you hurt mama worse." She told me and I sighed.

 "I know and I am so sorry for that. " I told her and she nodded. We talked for a while tell we both ended up laying down. She was running her hand up and down my arm tell she flipped it over

. "Mom what did you do?" She rolled over and looked at my arm under my sweat shirt.

"You did it again?" She asked and I sighed.

"Yeah, but I going to stop and this time for good because I have a life here that I need to live." I told her and kissed her head. I hummed to her and soon she fell asleep. I kissed her head and tucked her in then I walked out of the room.

"I want mommy." I heard a screaming cry come from Kaylee's room I walked in and seen Lauren rocking her small body back and forth.'

 "Mommy." She cried over and over. Lauren looked at me and nodded for me to come in there.

"Mommy." She sobbed over and over into Lauren's chest. I patted her back and it only made her scream more.

"M-m-ooommyyy". I opened my arms and Lauren passed her to me. Kaylee scram and scram breaking my heart a little more.

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