chapter 13

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Lilys pov.

"Mommy I can't zip the jacket." Mama told me to come put my jacket on because she wanted to go for a walk. That's all fine and stuff but IT'S RAINING!! I can't put on this stupid jacket because if my cast, Dinah won't stop laughing at me and I don't know where anyone else is to help me.

"Mom!" I whine sitting on the floor crossing my arms.

"Lily get out of the floor. " I look up and seen Camila standing in front of me.

"Its about time." I said under my breath but she heard me.

"Hey don't be mean. I'm nice to you so you're nice to me right?" She asked and I nodded and I held out my arms for her to help me up.

"Now what do you need?" She asked me and I looked down because I'm ashamed that I can't do anything by my self. I still have trouble walking and I fall sometimes but they let me do it my self but they still have to carry me when I have to walk up the stairs and when I have to use the bathroom. I can't do things that involves two hands even things as simple as zipping my jacket.

"Hey what's wrong?" She asked bending down by me and zipping the jacket.

"I just want to be able to do things me self." I told her and she nodded.

"I know but you have to give it time because right now you need our help now come on". She said taking my hand to support me as we walked to the front door.

"Ok there's two umbrellas and three of us. Camila you can have your own and Lily and I will share right meme?" Mama asked looking at me. I nodded and stepped forward taking her hand.

"Where are we going? I asked and mom and mama looked at each other.

"Its a surprise. " Lauren told me as she opened the door. We walked off of the porch and she opened the umbrella. She took my left hand and pulled me close to her.

"If you get tired tell us ok?" She said and I nodded. When she walks Lauren blocks out the world aside from who she is with. Her hands are soft and she smells like vanilla Ice cream.

After walking a few minutes my legs started to wiggle and I almost fell.

"Lily let me carry you." Lauren said but I shook my head.

"No I want to walk please mama." I asked and she stopped for a minute and picked Me up anyway.

"You can walk in a little while, I need you to be able to walk when we get to where we are going." I nodded and rested my head on her shoulder.

"Did she fall asleep?' Camila asked and Lauren nodded her head.

"Yeah she's out like a light." Lauren answered. It had stopped raining so they folded the umbrellas and walked hand and hand down the road. I'm happy we are going to be a real family. I really can't wait to have a little sister or brother. Well be best friends and play together. Ill protect her and she'll never get hurt because ill be her big sister.

And if its a boy he will never have. Girlfriend because he is not aloud to date, ever!

"Lily wake up we are here. " Lauren said patting my back. I sat up and looked around and we were at

Chucky cheese! .

"MOMMY, MAMA I LOVE YOU!" I yelled and kissed them both.

"Well when we get in there you have to eat first and then we have one more surprise for you." Camila said and I nodded. We walked into this magical kingdom and my mouth dropped. There was pizza and games everywhere. The arcade was huge and they even had laser tag! I turn to look where we were going and I see a familiar man with a girl that was older than me. He turned around and I seen his black hair and Brown eyes.

Am I ready (Camren) CompletedWhere stories live. Discover now