chapter 10

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Camila's pov

I am laying in bed with Lily sleeping against my body. The show tonight seemed longer than normal and I kept getting this weird feeling that something was bound to go wrong. Lily shifted in my arms and I smiled at the small child.
I felt soft arms wrap around me and legs intertwine with mine.

"Lets take Lily to Dinah's room."she whispered in my ear. I smiled and turned my head capturing her lips in between mine. The kiss was rough and hard. Defiantly different than it normally is. I pulled back and smiled biting my lip.

"I guess we better bring her down the hall." I whispered and she sat up taking Lily into her arms and walking out the door. I don't know what has gotten into this girl but I kinda like it. I sat up and discarded my clothes trying to make it easy for that horny toad. When she came back in the room she jumped on the bed and attached her lips to my neck biting hard.

"Not that hard Lauren" I said but she bit harder.

"Lauren stop."I begged but she penned my arms to my sides.

"Lauren please stop." I begged. She was hurting me.

"Lauren is gone baby girl." Her voice suddenly depended and her fetchers changed. This wasn't Lauren
It was a man that I have never seen. His eyes were black and his light after shave scuffed my skin.

"HELP! Please! " I yelled but he covered my mouth. I was so scared and fought harder and harder but he was to strong.

"Camila wake up baby. Please wake up. " I tired to come out of the dream but I couldn't. He slapped me and I swear the pain was real.

"Camila now. Wake up! " they yelled but again I couldn't. I felt pressure on my lips and a hand run through my hair.

"Please wake up baby girl". The voice said cracking. Who ever it was was crying almost out of control. I let my eves flutter open and gasped for breath yelling.

"I got you. Your safe." I looked over and seen, Dinah holding me as Lauren kissed my head. I pulled my self to Lauren and she held me tight.

"You're here I have you." She said holding me tight why was that so real? Why did I have that dream? The next thing I knew was that the light that I seen turned to darkness.
Lauren's pov

"Camila wake up babe." I told her but her body never moved. It laid almost lifeless in my arms.

"Camz... please."still nothing. A parametric came through the door and took her out of my arms and laid her flat on the ground. He opened her eyes and shined the flash light into them.

"Lauren we need to get out of here so they can help
her." Dinah grabbed my hand and tried to pull me out of the room but I jerked it back.

"Lauren don't do this. Use you head, Lily was scared to death when Camila started screaming and she needs you right now. Do not make a scene". She told me. I looked back at Camila and she was still not moving. I ran my hand through my hair and shook my head.

"Then you stay with her. Please do not leave her Dinah." I begged and she nodded. I looked back one last time and let some tears fall down my face.

"Don't leave her Dinah. " I whispered and got off of our tour bus and walked out side. I looked around and seen Ally holding Lily as she sobbed into her neck. I took a deep breath and wiped my tears away. I walked over to Ally and rubbed Lily's back.

"Come here Lil." I told her. She turned toward me and opened her arms for me to take her.

"Hey everything is ok". She nodded then I heard the door open and turned around to see the man carrying Camila out the door and into the ambulance.

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