chapter 17

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Lauren's pov.

Today is mother's day and I don't expect anything from Lily. I don't think I have been around her long enough for her to love me the way mother and daughter should. We flew back to Miami so I could see my mom and spend time with her and so Lily could visit Lea's grave.

"MOMMY I SEE GRANDPA!" Lily yelled and Camila sat her down and Lily ran through the airport and jumped into my dads arms. They hugged each other and she kissed his cheek.

"Happy mothers day mom." I said hugging her. She kissed my head and squeezed me.

"Aww baby I Missed you so much. I can't believe that your almost 19." She told me and pulled away and pulled Camila into her arms.

"Look at you your glowing." My mom said and pulled away.

" And happy mothers day girls." My mom said walking beside me pulling me towards the rest of the group.

"Hey pumpkin how are you." My mom said letting go of me and grabbing Lily.

"Good I missed you grandma. HAPPY GRANDMA/ MOTHERS DAY!" She yelled. And my parents laughed.

"Come on we will go drop your things off at the house and then we will go out to dinner. I want to catch up with you before you leave." My dad told us as Lily climbed back in his arms and held on tight.

"So Camila how far along are you now? " my mom asked as Lily rested her head on my lap and Camila rested her head on my shoulder rubbing her belly.

"19 weeks so about 4 and a half months ." She said and I smiled at her kissing her head.

"Have you thought of names?"

"No we can't seam to agree one. " I answered and Camila looked down at her hands.

"I like Raylen for a girl and Kamen for a boy." Camila answered and sat up pulling away from me.

"Those are beautiful names Camila. " my dad answered and smiled at her threw the mirror.

"I like Myla (my. La) and Trell." I answered and Camila rolled her eyes.

"Those are all nice names. When do you fined out what your having? " my dad asked.

"In two days." Camila squalled and smiled wide.

"What do you want?" Mom asked us.

"Want a sister!" Lily yelled and I kissed her head and rubbed her back.

"Go to sleep baby." I told her and she nodded.

"I want a Boy." I said and Camila cleared her throat.

" I want a girl. "

"Seems like there's a lot you to don't agree on." My mom said and Camila nodded.

"But if we agreed on everything our relationship would be boring." Camila answered Relaxing back into my side.

After we ate lunch we went back to my parents house and when Lily got out of the car she froze in one spot.

"L-Lauren?" She said and I looked at her weird because she never calls me by my name.

"What's wrong?" I asked her and she started walking across the road.

"Lily get back here." I told her but she kept walking. I followed her and she walked up to her old house.

"Can we go in?" She asked. I looked back at my dad and he gave me a thumbs up and that was a sign that the door was unlocked. She slowly stepped in and the house looked the same. Lily's toys were still scattered around and Lea's stuff was still there.

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