Chapter 7

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Camila's pov. 

I broke the kiss and reality hit me. I May lose my virginity tonight. Lauren took my hand and led me to the bathroom.

"Its just a bath nothing more unless you ask. " she said I nodded then undressed my self. When I turned around Lauren was Sitting in the tub covered with bubbles. She had had knees pulled to her chest and was looking at me blankly. I got in the tub and sat with my back againts her chest forcing her to lay her legs down. I don't think she was expecting me to sit here though. Her body tensed and I had to grab her hands and rest them on my bear stomach so she would hold me. After a while we relaxed and she kissed my neck. I grabbed one of her hands and pulled it lower just to the bottom of by belly. Hoping she got the hint I moved the other hand up resting just below my boob.

"All I ask is that you don't hurt me." I said. She shook her head and frowned.

"Don't do anything unless your ready. " She told me. But I was out of time in 4 days I will be taken from her. She has to be my first. Even if I am still forced to marry him I can know that my first time was  with someone that I loved.

"Lauren I'm ready". I told her. It was silent for a while before she She kissed my neck sucking harder than normal. She moved her right hand down and cupped my part.

" I won't do this to you in the tub where I Can't tell if I'm hurting you." She said. She got out of the tub and dried her self off then grabbed another towel and helped me out of the tub.

She picked me up and brought me to the bed and laid me down softly kissing my head.

"Are you sure?" She asked.

"Positive. " she bent down and captured my lips between hers. She un wrapped the towel. I tried to cover my body but she pushed my hands away and kissed my nose.  She ran her hands down my sides as she slowly kissed my cheek then sucked on my neck drawing a moan from my body.  She kissed her way to the valley of my breast and sucked on the sensitive skin tell it was a soft shade of red. She grabbed my breast playing with them softly as she took one into her mouth lapping her skilled mouth over them.. She let one hand slide down to my center and she looked at me with her deep green eyes.

"Are you sure?" She asked.  I nodded and kissed her lips.

"This will hurt at first tell me to stop if you Can't take it." She slowly entered a single finger tell she reached my barrier. She slowly pushed through as I bit my lip trying not to scream. I felt pressure growing in my stomach followed by pain as she stopped her hand.

"Ouch." I closed my eyes tight and held on to her arms squeezing tight.

"Its ok I'm here. "  she whispered in my ear I nodded as she moved for the first time.  Everyone says your first time hurts but this is almost to much. I let a tear fall down my face and she wipes it away then kissed my head.

"Do you want me to stop?" She asked I shook my head no. She kissed my head again and smiled. The pain faded and was now replaced with pleasure.  The slow thrust and kisses made me feel like I was meant to be here in this moment with her. Looking into those deep green eyes made me realize that I can be loved.  She wiggled her finger and I felt something growing in my stomach  I arched my back and gasped for air as she swiped her thumb over my nerves.

"Lolo. " I said as the un familiar filling intensified she kissed my head and continued her movements.

"You're just reaching your point just let go." She whispered.  I relaxed and I felt a ripple come threw my body. I closed my eyes and Lauren stopped her moments  but not pulling out.  By body felt like it was on fire. She flicked my bundle of nerves and I let out a scream causing my body to shake. She pulled her fingers out and hugged my naked body to hers. Once I  calmed down and she kissed my head and rubbed my back.

Am I ready (Camren) CompletedWhere stories live. Discover now