chapter 14

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Camila's pov

When I woke up I was wrapped in someones arms. I opened my eyes and I was in a white room. I looked at my body and I was on a hospital gown and had Iv's hooked to my arms. My stomach still hurt and I groaned in response.

"Camz you ok?" I nodded my head and they pulled me closer.

"It just hurts." I said and Lauren rubbed my back.

"I know babe they ran some test and are trying to figure out whats going on." She told me and I nodded. I closed my eyes and a tear came down my face. I just want to go home.

"Is Ms. Cabello awake?" My head turned to the door and a doctor  in a white jacket stepped into the room. Lauren sat up and helped me move with her.

"Yeah were up." I said leaning on Lauren.

"Ok well first off we ran several test and all of them came back fine except your hormone levels. Do you feel comfortable if we were to put you in a wheel chair and bring you into examination room?" I nodded my head and he smiled.

"What will you be checking for?" I asked and he looked at lauren and then at me.

"We are just going to look at your cervix and your ovaries." I nodded and a nurse came in with a wheel chair and helped me In.

"This won't take long at most 15 minutes. " he told Lauren and she nodded and watched me leave the room.

I laid on a small bed and the doctor came in and told me what he was going to do.

"Ok since your bladder is not full we have to do this virginally. The probe will help us see in side and get a clear look at everything. It may hurt and you will feel a lot of pressure but you will be ok." He told me and I nodded.

He put my legs in the holders and grabbed a probe that was easily a foot long. He applied a condom and some gel. He looked at the  and pushed the probe in. It didn't hurt but it was uncontrollable. The nurse behind him looked at the screen and pointed.

"There it is." She said and he nodded.

"Everything looks good looks like its been there 5-6 weeks." He said and she nodded.

"What is it?" I asked and the lady scribbled stuff down.

"I have to review it more and I will be in to see you with in the next 10 minutes. " he told me and I nodded. He helped me down and the nurse brought me back into my room.

Lauren was In the chair by my bed flipping through the channels, but when she seen me she quickly stood up. The nurse Made sure I was ok and then left the room.

"What did they say?" She asked me and I shrugged.

'I don't know but there's something wrong they were talking about it. But I don't know what. He said he'll be in with in the next few minutes to tell me the results." I said and she nodded and stood up to kiss my head.

"Lets just hope its nothing serious." She said and I nodded.

"Can you hold me?" I asked and she climbed on the bed and held me close to her.

"Hello Ms. Cabello." The doctor said and stepped into the room with a chart.

"Before we start would you like your friend to be present?" He asked I looked at Lauren and nodded.

"Ok. Well as you heard in the examination room that we did find something. But its not something bad really.. congratulations your pregnant." My heart stopped and I looked at Lauren and her face instantly turned red.

"The blood was your body's reaction to a miscarriage. Your child is fine but your body is not excepting the fetus. You need to take your time and lay around. You need to take a easy because you are a high risk pregnancy. " he said. Lauren stood up and silently walked out the door. The doctor nodded and left right behind her.

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